项目名称: 几何约束求解新方法的研究
项目编号: No.61300096
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 曹春红
作者单位: 东北大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: CAD/CAM技术的发展和应用水平是衡量一个国家现代化水平的重要标志之一。几何约束求解技术是参数化方法中最核心的技术之一。课题研究主要包括:1)以动态几何约束满足模型为出发点,基于最小冲突修补算法来求解几何动态约束满足问题;2)探讨一种带有嫁接-剪接算子作为激励的归约体系,作为新的几何约束分解算法来对几何约束系统进行分解。使该方法既可以求解欠约束情况的几何约束系统,又能提高求解效率;3)深入研究基于规则的几何约束求解,采用参数化弧相容性技术求解几何约束传播,以提高约束传播的效率;4)基于距离几何的基本理论,来设计一种新的基于数值方法的几何约束求解方法,提高数值方法求解效率;5)对于过约束情况,引入软约束的概念,采用分层约束满足问题模型进行转化。该项目旨在研究几何约束求解的新方法,为解决CAD领域许多重要问题提供一个开发研究的新的科学手段,进而改进和提高参数化CAD系统的理论与应用水平。
中文关键词: 几何约束;动态约束满足;约束传播;过约束;
英文摘要: The development and application level of CAD /CAM technology is a measure for one important indicator of modernization level. Geometric constraint solving technology is one of the core technologies of parametric methods. Research includes the following aspects: 1) Starting from the dynamic constraint satisfaction model, dynamic geometric constraint satisfaction problem can be solved by minimum conflicts repair algorithm; 2) We explored a reduction system of motivation by a grafting-splice operator, as a new geometric constraint decomposition algorithm to decompose geometric constraint system so that the method can not only solve the under-constraint geometric constraint system, but also can improve solution efficiency; 3) By studying of rule-based geometric constraint solving, we use parameterized arc consistency techniques to solve geometric constraint propagation in order to improve the efficiency of constraint propagation; 4) Based on the basic theory of distance geometry to design a new numerical methods for geometric constraint solving method, to improve numerical methods for solving efficiency; 5) For over-constrained situation, we introduce of the concept of soft constraints and finish model conversion by hierarchical constraint satisfaction. The project aims to study geometric constraint solving, provide
英文关键词: geometric constraint;dynamical constraint satisfaction;constraint spread;over-constraint;