项目名称: 高速列车电力牵引系统的故障诊断研究
项目编号: No.61273158
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 陈特放
作者单位: 中南大学
项目金额: 81万元
中文摘要: 电力牵引系统既是高速列车的动力来源,也是列车上故障的高发区,电力牵引系统的正常工作,是高速铁路安全正点运行的重要保障。本项目通过对列车电力牵引系统故障诊断方法的研究,提出适合铁路高速列车系统分布式故障诊断方法的系统分区方法,解决列车故障诊断计算量大、变量耦合关系复杂、实时性差的问题;选取具有代表性的关键设备,深入分析其故障成因及状态特征信号,以期创建符合其结构和特征的故障诊断方法,从而较好解决故障模型难以确定、信号与状态的关系难以对应、故障源难以定位等问题,提高高速列车系统状态监测及故障预警系统的准确性和可靠性。开展列车通信网络的研究,解决目前车载设备通信制式不统一所带来的信息共享困难问题。结合以上研究内容成果,力争在高速列车电力牵引系统的安全性预测与控制的基础理论和应用技术上取得实质性突破,完善和提高我国高速列车电力牵引系统故障诊断技术,为铁路的发展保驾护航。
中文关键词: 电力牵引;故障诊断;分布式处理系统;;
英文摘要: The electric traction system of electric locomotive is the power source of trains, and it is also the high risk area of locomotive fault. Its security and stability is important for the operation of railway. This project is going to research the fault diagnosis theory of electric traction system of electric locomotives, and try to achieve a practical breakthrough on fault diagnosis theory and application of locomotive electric traction system. Then a proper area divide method for distribute fault diagnosis of locomotive electric traction system will be proposed to solve many problems of the large-scale systems such as massive calculation problem, complex coupling relationship of parameters, bad real-time performance and so on. Several typical key devices will be chosen, the causes and state characteristic of their faults are to be analyzed so as to find out the suitable fault diagnosis method which fulfill their structure and characteristic. By doing this, fault model is no need to be precise, signal matches status easily, the resource of fault is less harder to be positioned, so the accuracy and reliability of fault diagnosis system for locomotive electric traction system can be advanced. Developing the train communication network to solve low efficiency of information sharing which is caused by different commu
英文关键词: Electric Traction;Fault Diagnosis;Distributed Processing System;;