项目名称: 飞机整体驱动发电机内部故障特征提取及诊断方法研究
项目编号: No.51277011
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 韩建群
作者单位: 渤海大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 现代飞机正在向多电、全电方向发展,使飞机用电量急剧增加,作为发动机能量转换为电能的重要装置- - 飞机整体驱动发电机能否正常工作对飞机安全至关重要。飞机整体驱动发电机是一个多源故障系统,存在一个内部故障对应多个故障特征和多个内部故障对应相同故障特征的情况,并且有些故障由于特征信号微弱而难以尽早检测和发现,使飞机整体驱动发电机内部故障诊断问题已成为国际民航界研究热点之一。本项目拟从飞机IDG制造维修需求出发,通过模型推导和实验验证,实现飞机IDG内部故障特征提取,建立飞机IDG内部故障特征库;构造基于杜芬混沌系统的微弱故障特征信号检测平台,验证故障识别的正确性和实现具有微弱飞机IDG输出信号的内部故障检测;运用粗糙集中的条件熵算法建立飞机IDG内部故障反推模型,构造飞机IDG内部故障树,实现故障诊断与定位。开展本项目研究,对保证飞行安全、提高维修效率、形成自主知识产权都具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 飞机整体驱动发电机;内部故障;特征提取;故障诊断;杜芬混沌
英文摘要: It is essential to the aircraft safety whether the integrated drive generator(IDG) work normally or not which is the important device to convert the engine energy into electrical energy with the development of more-power and all-electrical which leads to the aircraft electricity consumption increase sharply. As a multi-fault sources system, it is difficult to diagnosis and locate the aircraft IDG internal fault because there may be one fault has many features or some different faults have the same fault feature or some fault have the weak feature output signal, so the aircraft IDG fault diagnosis has become one of hot issues in the international aviation community. Firstly, the aircraft IDG internal faults feature will be extracted and faults feature database will be constructed by the model deduction and experiment validating. Secondly, the weak signal detection system is built based on Duffing chaotic in order to detect the weak feature signal and validate the accuracy of fault extraction. Finally, the aircraft IDG internal fault tree is built by removing redundant attributes through rough and concentrative conditional entropy algorithm in order to diagnose internal faults and get fault point information. It is significant for guaranteeing aircraft safety, improving the maintain efficiency and formatting indep
英文关键词: Aircraft integrated drive generator;Internal fault;Feature extraction;Fault diagnosis;DUFFING chaos