项目名称: 基于分子系综的非经典光源的研究
项目编号: No.11204085
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学I
项目作者: 李晓云
作者单位: 华东师范大学
项目金额: 30万元
中文摘要: 量子通信因其高保密、大容量传输等特点对保障国家信息安全具有战略意义。而非经典光源是量子通信中不可或缺的重要组成部分。其中基于原子系综的窄带压缩光源是一种非常好的纠缠源,其原子波长约为0.8μm,而当前光通讯中一般用到的光子波长为1.3μm和1.56μm,在这个波段没有合适的原子能级。要实现量子通信必须首先要实现光子从光通讯波段到原子波长的量子转换,目前这种转换效率还很低,难以达到实际应用的水平。本项目针对这一现状,在我们实验室原子系综的量子光源已经成功研制的基础上,提出分子系综的非经典光源的研究。探索适用于通讯波段的窄带压缩光源,采用的主要方法是将分子体系的相干性与四波混频过程有机结合,通过诱导和调控分子间的相干合作来提高四波混频效率。以期得到窄带的压缩光源。这种非经典光源的研制将对量子通信、量子调控、精密测量等技术的发展有着重要意义。
中文关键词: 非经典光源;超精细结构;四波混频;噪声抑制;相位信息提取
英文摘要: Quantum communication has the characteristics of high security,long-distance and large capacity transmission.It is the protection of national information security is of strategic significance.Non-classical light source is an indispensable part of the quantum communication.Based on atomic ensemble of narrow-band compression light source is always very good entangled light source whose atomic wavelength is about 0.8 μm. However,the photon wavelength of 1.3 micron and 1.56 micron are used in current optical communication.There is no approprate atomic energy level in communication band.The photons must be conversed from communication wavelength to atomic wavelength in the Quantum information technique. At present, it is difficult to obtain high efficiency quantum conversion,which limits its applications in communications technology. Quantum light source in the atomic ensemble has been successfully developed in our laboratory.In response to this situation, we propose the study of non-classical light sources in molecular ensemble. We will explore the narrow bandwidth for communication band compress light in molecular ensemble.The key technology is the organic combination by molecular coherence and four-wave mixting. Four-wave mixing efficiency will be greatly improved through the induction and regulation of intermol
英文关键词: the non-classical light source;Hyperfine structure;Four-wave mixing;Noise suppression;Phase information extraction