项目名称: 量子算法和基于测量的量子计算的研究
项目编号: No.11275145
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 王鹤峰
作者单位: 西安交通大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 量子计算与量子信息是一个正在快速发展的领域。量子算法的研究是该领域的核心问题。目前只有为数不多的几个量子算法。量子计算机能够解决那些问题?如何高效的在量子计算机上模拟其他物理体系?这是本项目要研究的主要问题。本项目将利用已知的物理原理发展新的量子算法,探索新的量子仿真算法并发展相应的量子仿真软件。本项目将发展针对离散数学问题的量子算法和探索在量子计算中引入非线性因素以解决更复杂的问题的途径。本项目还将研究基于测量的量子计算模型。在该模型中,通过冷却的方法可制备AKLT哈密顿量的基态做为量子计算的初始态,然后进行单量子比特的操作就可实现一般的量子计算。因此该模型使大规模的量子计算成为可能。本项目将对该模型进行量子仿真研究。利用混合的量子计算技巧,我们将利用固体体系和光学体系的优点,提出一个具有稳健性和可扩展性,且易于在实验上实现的基于测量的量子计算方案。
中文关键词: 量子计算;量子算法;绝热量子计算;;
英文摘要: Quantum computation and quantum information is a field that is rapidly developing. One of the core of this field is developing quantum algorithms. What kind of problems can a quantum computer solve once it is realized? How to simulate physical systems efficiently using a quantum computer? These are the questions that we are going to answer. In this project, we plan to develop new quantum algorithms using principles of physics, and develop new quantum simulation algorithms as well as the corresponding softwares. In addition, we will develop quantum algorithms for solving problems in discrete mathematics, and study the way to introduce non-linearity in quantum computing in order to solve more complicated problems. Another project we plan to do is measurement-based quantum computation. In this model, universal quantum computing is realized by preparing the ground state of the AKLT Hamiltonian as the initial state and performing single-qubit operations. Therefore, such a quantum state is stable and can be prepared through a cooling procedure. Based on this model, large-scale quantum computing is possible. We plan to perform quantum simulation of the AKLT model and develop quantum algorithms based on this model for universal quantum computing. Using the technique of hybrid quantum computing, we plan to use the advant
英文关键词: Quantum computation;Quantum algorithm;adiabatic quantum computing;;