项目名称: 基于全基因组测序基础上的芝麻茎点枯病菌(Macrophomina phaseolina)致病相关基因分析
项目编号: No.31301631
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 赵辉
作者单位: 河南省农业科学院
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 芝麻茎点枯病菌(Macrophmina phaseolina )可侵染500多种植物,其引起的茎点枯病是芝麻的毁灭性病害。目前,该病原菌与寄主互作研究较少,致病机理尚不清楚。项目前期进行了芝麻茎点枯病菌强毒株Mp2010028和芝麻品种豫芝11的全基因组测序,将芝麻茎点枯病菌全基因组测序结果与病原--寄主互作数据库(PHI-base)比对,共得到致病相关基因531个。为明确与芝麻互作中参与致病的基因种类,本研究利用高通量测序技术对芝麻茎点枯病菌与芝麻互作的转录组测序,通过与芝麻及茎点枯病菌全基因组比对,分析互作条件下所有致病相关基因的转录本构成,确定参与致病的相关基因和发现新的转录本;分析该病菌不同侵染阶段的基因表达差异,于转录组水平上系统研究芝麻茎点枯病菌与芝麻互作中致病基因总体表达模式;通过qRT-PCR验证,初步推测该菌致病分子机制,为阐明芝麻茎点枯病菌与芝麻互作的致病机理奠定基础。
中文关键词: 芝麻茎点枯病;菜豆壳球孢;芝麻;转录组;致病基因
英文摘要: Macrophomina phaseolina (Tassi) Goid (Mp),the causal of charcoal or root-rot is the main destructive pathogen on sesame, which can infect more than 500 plant species. Most of researches focus on the disease control, but the control effect is still unsatisfactory due to less understanding of pathogenetic mechanism. In the prevous study we had sequenced whole-genome of virulent strain Mp2010028 and sesame cultivar YUZHI11, obtained 531 pathogenicity-related genes using PHI-base blast. In order to explicate the pathogenetic genes in pathogen-host interaction, in this study we apply high-throughput sequencing technology to sequence the transcriptome of Mp-sesame interaction, analyze the component of transcriptome related to the pathogenicity at different infection phases based on the transcriptomes comparison with sesame and Mp whole-genome respectively, screen the genes and new transcripts involved the pathogenetic process and reveal their total expression model. We further confirm the key genes related to the pathogenicity by qRT-PCR technique and speculate the moleculer mechanism of this pathogen infection.This result will give the foundation for fully elucidating the pathogenetic mechanism of pathogen-host interaction.
英文关键词: Sesame Stem Rot;Macrophomina phaseolina;sesame;Transcriptome;pathogenicity gene