项目名称: 菜用大豆籽粒硬度相关位点关联分析与功能验证
项目编号: No.31471519
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 食品科学、农学基础与作物学
项目作者: 邢邯
作者单位: 南京农业大学
项目金额: 92万元
中文摘要: 菜用大豆,别名毛豆、枝豆等,通常是指R6-R7籽粒饱满、荚色翠绿时采青食用大豆专用型品种,是一种重要的豆类蔬菜。对菜用大豆来说,外观品质和食味品质是其两个基础的品质要素。硬度是一种重要的食味品质性状,但是目前的研究尚不充分。本研究拟在对中国菜用大豆种质资源进行准确评价和鉴定的基础上,利用SNP标记所获得的基因型数据,进行群体结构分析和连锁不平衡分析,并利用TASSEL软件对硬度性状表型值与多态性标记进行关联分析,挖掘硬度性状优异等位变异,并结合转录组测序,获得与硬度相关的候选基因,并对硬度相关基因进行功能验证,为菜用大豆分子设计育种提供材料和技术支撑。
中文关键词: 菜用大豆;籽粒硬度;关联分析;转录组测序;功能验证
英文摘要: Vegetable soybean is a specialized soybean, harvested in the R6-R7 growth stage with full seeds and still green pods.Based on the genotypic data from SSR markers, the analysis on population structure and linkage disequilibriem were conducted, and the association analysis on the phenotypic data from the seed hardness and the information of polymorphic markers was carried out using TASSEL doftware,in order to obtain the elite allelic variation loci. Furthernmore, RNA-Seq was performed. Transcriptome sequencing of high-/low- hardness mixture. Compared with the results of association analysis and transcriptome sequencing, the candidate genes revolved seed hardness will be obtained and analyzed the function in vegetable soybean.
英文关键词: Vegetable soybean;Seed hardness;Association mapping;RNA-Seq;Functional analysis