项目名称: 全身麻醉机制与星形胶质细胞突触传递调控作用的相关性研究
项目编号: No.81460219
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 张宇
作者单位: 遵义医科大学
项目金额: 47万元
中文摘要: 揭示全身麻醉致意识消失的机制是全麻药作用研究的关键。研究发现星形胶质细胞能释放多种神经活性物质调控神经元活性和突触传递,参与大脑信息整合,推测星形胶质细胞可能参与全麻药物的致意识消失作用,但未见相关报道。本项目拟在前期全麻机制相关研究的基础上,将大鼠皮层内星形胶质细胞作为主要观察对象,通过脑片膜片钳技术、脑片钙成像和激光共聚焦技术,考察三种静脉全麻药异丙酚、依托咪酯和氯胺酮对星形胶质细胞钙离子兴奋性及其与神经元间信息交流的影响,并探讨药物对星形胶质细胞功能影响的异同;进而借助活体大鼠脑区微注射和Western blot等技术,分析星形胶质细胞释放的谷氨酸和ATP是否参与三种全麻药的致意识消失作用及相关机制。本项目将从星形胶质细胞钙离子兴奋性、离子通道受体和胶质递质分泌等角度,探索星形胶质细胞在全麻意识消失中所发挥的作用,为全麻机制的研究提供新的实验依据。
中文关键词: 全麻机制;意识消失;星形胶质细胞;电生理;神经递质
英文摘要: Reveal the mechanism of general anesthesia induced loss of consciousness is crucial in the study of anesthetic effect. Study found that neuronal activity and synaptic transmission can be regulated by a variety of neural active substance released from astrocytes, which participating in the brain information integration. Astrocytes may take part in the general anesthesia induced loss of consciousness, however, there is no related report. This project will be based on the experience of previous anesthesia mechanism research work and choose the rats cortical astrocytes as the main object of observation, utilizing the brain slice patch clamp technique, calcium imaging and laser confocal microscopy to investigate the effects of three intravenous anesthetics (propofol, etomidate and ketamine) on astrocytes calcium ion excitatory and the information exchange between astrocytes and neurons, while exploring the similarities and differences of drugs effect. This project will also use the vivo brain micro-injection and Western blot technology to confirm weather the glutamate and ATP release from astrocytes take part in the consciousness loss induced by three anesthetics, and analysis the related mechanisms. This project focus on the astrocytes calcium excitability, ion channel receptors and glial neurotransmitters release, expounds the role of astrocytes in general anesthesia induced loss of consciousness, which providing new experimental evidence for mechanism study of general anesthesia.
英文关键词: mechanism-of-general-anesthesia;loss-of-consciousness;astrocyte;electrophysiology;neurotransmitter