项目名称: 堆石崩积体的滑溃前兆特征及其快速探测判识方法研究
项目编号: No.41272302
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 李俊才
作者单位: 南京工业大学
项目金额: 78万元
中文摘要: 堆石崩积体是地震后常见次生地质灾害隐患,它具有物质组构分异性、堆积形态随机性、松散堆积亚稳定性、滑溃前兆突发性,极易对临近人居、交通、及工程活动带来安全隐患。本项目首先以其地貌特征、物质组构、堆积形态为切入点,采用模型试验与精细化数值仿真试验相结合,探求不同地貌特征、物质组构、堆积形态、诱发荷载下堆石崩积体滑溃前兆特征规律(灾源点位置变化、局部位移演化、块石间力链强度演化);其次基于试验成果,以寻找滑溃灾源点与灾变判定临界突变状态为目标,综合非线性数学、智能科学、空间推理拓扑学、数据挖掘技术等方法,研究描述堆石崩积体滑溃前兆特征的数理模型;最后以灾源点搜索规则与灾变判定临界突变模型为灾变判识理论,融合TLS测绘技术、计算机视觉识别与分析技术、三维精细化数值仿真技术,研发堆石崩积体滑溃前兆特征的快速探测判识方法。上述研究对提升地质灾害安全评估与有效防灾预警具有重要科学意义与工程价值。
中文关键词: 堆石崩积体;滑溃破坏;临界破坏状态;三维激光扫描;地质建模与信息采集
英文摘要: The rockfill colluvium is a common secondary geological disasters after earthquakes. It has the following characteristics: material composition heterogeneity, presence forms randomness, loose accumulation sub-stability, slide and collapse sudden. So those characteristics are extremely easy to bring hidden security danger to the near residential, transportation, and engineering activities. In this project, we firstly will take geomorphic characteristics, material composition, presence forms as starting points, and use the method of combining model test and sophisticated numerical simulation test to search the prognostic features laws of the rockfill colluvium sliding and collapsing in different geomorphic characteristics, material composition, presence forms, and induced load. The laws includes the law of the original disaster points' position change, the law of local displacements evolution, and the law of force chains' strength evolution among the stones. Secondly, based on the tests' results, we will put to find the original disaster points and judge the critical mutation state of catastrophe as targets, and use comprehensively those methods included nonlinear mathematics, intelligent science, space reasoning topology, data mining technology to study the mathematical physics model which describing the prognost
英文关键词: rockfill colluvium;slide-collapse;critical failure state;terrain laser scanning;geological modeling and information collection