项目名称: 茶树ERF类转录因子家族的克隆及功能鉴定
项目编号: No.31200520
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 林学
项目作者: 庄静
作者单位: 南京农业大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 生物和非生物胁迫,尤其近年频发的低温冻害,严重影响茶树的生长发育,从而影响茶叶的产量和品质。很多基因被这些胁迫诱导表达,以增强茶树对逆境的抗性。转录因子是重要的一类调控基因,通过与顺式元件作用调节植物对各种胁迫的适应。ERF类转录因子与植物细胞周期、生长发育及逆境胁迫应答有关,主要调节植物对激素、逆境等的分子应答反应,调控细胞的生长发育。本项目基于对小叶较耐低温型茶树'龙井43'和大叶低温较敏感型茶树'英红9号'转录组高通量测序,开展茶树ERF类转录因子基因表达和调控研究,分析茶树ERF类转录因子的逆境调控网络,进而探讨茶树ERF类转录因子进化导致的功能分化。从'龙井43'和 '英红9号'中分离50个以上ERF类转录因子,通过与相关顺式元件体外结合和拟南芥转基因研究,筛选抗逆性能强的茶树逆境转录因子。本研究旨在解析茶树抗逆转录因子的调控网络和复制进化机理;同时为茶树抗逆育种奠定基础。
中文关键词: 转录因子;转录组;基因克隆;非生物胁迫;茶树
英文摘要: Tea is one of the most popular non-alcoholic beverages worldwide. Camellia sinensis is the species of plant whose leaves and leaf buds are used to produce Chinese tea. It is one of the genus Camellia, a genus of flowering plants in the family Theaceae. However, the tea plant, C. sinensis, is difficult to culture in vitro, and transform, and has a large genome, rendering little genomic information available. Tea plant has to respond to biotic and abiotic stresses and environmental stimuli during their growth and developmental periods. The growth of tea plant is affected by environmental stresses. Abiotic and biotic stresses during tea plant growth session could cause decreased yield and quality. Tea plants respond and adapt to these abiotic stresses (such as low temperature) in order to survive. They develop freezing resistance when exposed to low temperatures. Transcription factor is called trans-factors and binds specific DNA sequence to initiate or block gene expression. Typical transcription factor is composited with DNA-binding domain, transcription regulator domain and nuclear localization signal. Transcription factor utilize these components functions on promoters/cis-acting elements to activate or control transcription. ERF is a large family of plant transcription factors containing the highly conserved
英文关键词: Transcription factor;Transcriptome;Gene clone;Abiotic stress;Tea plant