项目名称: 分布式推理中的拜占庭数据攻击及其防御方法研究
项目编号: No.61471318
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 陈惠芳
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 分布式推理是无线网络的基本应用,其可靠性一直受到关注。拜占庭数据是最潜在的内部攻击,使网络安全面临严峻的挑战。但是,拜占庭数据攻击对分布式推理性能的影响程度尚不明确,含拜占庭数据的分布式推理如何可靠决策还未定论,使分布式推理对拜占庭数据免疫的网络条件还不确定。 本项目拟研究分布式推理中的拜占庭数据攻击及其防御方法,重点研究分布式检测、分布式目标定位与跟踪、大规模网络分布式状态估计中的拜占庭数据攻击及其防御方法三个方面。具体地,以分布式推理工作机理与拜占庭数据攻击模型为基础,以量化表征攻击影响与推理性能间关系为指导,以攻击防范(对隐秘攻击与不可识别攻击免疫的网络条件)-抵御(拜占庭节点识别/恶意数据处理)-容忍(宽容的分布式推理方法)为主线,综合应用多学科的理论工具与思想方法,本质上解决分布式推理中的拜占庭数据攻击问题。 预期研究成果为设计、部署与应用安全的无线网络提供科学依据与理论指导。
中文关键词: 拜占庭攻击;分布式推理;攻击检测;无线网络;状态估计
英文摘要: Distributed inference is the essential application in the wireless networks, its reliability has been widely concerned consistently. And Byzantine data attack is the most serious underlying challenge of the network security. In the mean while, the performance degradation of distributed inference with Byzantine data is still obscured.It is still an open issue for distributed inference with Byzantine data to make a decision reliably. And the underlying network condition for Byzantine data immunized distributed inference is also unclear. Therefore,Byzantine data attacks in distributed inference and its countermesures are studied in this project. We will focus on three forms of distributed inference: distributed detection, target localization and tracking, and the state estimation in a large scale network. More specifically, based on the mechanism of distributed inference and the model of Byzantine data attack, we will represent the relationship between attack policy and attack power and inference performance. Along with the route of attack prevention(deriving the network condition for steal attack and undetectable attack's immunity), defense(Byzantine nodes' identification/malicious data processing), and tolerance(resilient distributed inference methods),the studied problem will be solved eventually by synthesizing applying the theoretic tools and methodology of multi-discipline. The expected results of the project provides the base and steering of the design, deployment and application of secure wireless networks.
英文关键词: Byzantine attack;Distributed inference;Attack detection;Wireless networks;State estimation