项目名称: C2HC型锌指结构蛋白调控水稻根系生长发育的分子机制研究
项目编号: No.31301272
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 农业科学
项目作者: 刘宏波
作者单位: 浙江农林大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 水稻冠根和侧根的生长发育维系着植株整个生育期。因此,对水稻根系生长发育的分子调控机制研究显得尤为重要。双子叶模式植物拟南芥的根系发育研究已比较深入,相关的分子调控机制对单子叶模式植物水稻根系的研究有一定的指导作用。但是,单子叶植物根系的遗传发育和形态建成与双子叶植物存在差异,因此,有必要深入拓展水稻根系遗传发育的分子生物学研究基础。本项目以水稻品种"爱知旭"为试验材料,主要从调控水稻根系发育的相关基因功能研究入手,利用反向遗传学方法研究水稻C2HC型锌指结构蛋白起始因子参与调控根系生长发育的生物学功能;分析该基因的表达模式和相关信号响应及转导途径。本研究旨在探索新的调控水稻根系生长发育的起始因子的功能和作用机制,拓展水稻根系生长发育和形态建成的分子生物学研究基础,明确水稻根系生长发育基因调控网络,为水稻等单子叶作物在分子遗传育种改良和高产栽培方面提供坚实的理论基础。
中文关键词: 水稻;锌指结构蛋白;根系生长发育;基因克隆;调控机制
英文摘要: Crown and lateral root development sustain the growth during the whole plant life cycle in Oryza sativa L.. Therefore, it is particularly important to study the genetic regulation mechanism of crown and lateral root development in rice. As a dicotyledonous model plant, the root development research has been deep in Arabidopsis thaliana, and relevant basis regulation mechanism of which has certain instructive effect on the monocotyledons research in rice root development. However, there are many differences between monocotyledons and dicotyledonous in root genetic development and formation. It is necessary to do further research in rice root genetic development of molecular biology foundation. This project will apply reverse genetics to study the biological function of C2HC-type zinc finger protein initiation factor involved in regulation of growth and development of rice root in O. sativa L. cv. Aichi-asahi. Meanwhile, we also analyze the gene expression pattern and related signal transduction pathways. This study aims to exploit the biological function and regulated mechanism of novel initiation factor for controlling root development, expand the molecular biology foundation and understand the gene regulatory networks of root growth and formation. We hope that it can provide solid theoretical basis for molecula
英文关键词: Oryza sativa L.;zinc finger protein;root development;gene clone;regulation mechanism