项目名称: 拟南芥AMOS1基因介导的铵胁迫信号传导途径研究
项目编号: No.31200189
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 微生物学、植物学
项目作者: 李保海
作者单位: 中国科学院南京土壤研究所
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 铵是植物生长发育必需的养分离子,但其过量时易造成毒害。目前对高铵影响植物生长发育的特征、相应的生理和分子过程已有一定的认识,但对植物如何感应和传递铵胁迫信号,以启动防御体系抵抗铵胁迫的了解还非常少。本研究以本实验室先前筛选验证的拟南芥叶片黄化而非根系生长,地上部生物量或体内铵平衡的铵超敏感响应突变体amos1为核心材料,应用遗传学,基因组学,生物信息学,生理学手段,研究AMOS1介导的拟南芥对过量铵的分子响应途径与信号传导过程。通过分析amos1的铵诱导黄化表型与主要内源信号物质变化的关系 和AMOS1介导铵响应的主要分子调控途径和关键调控元件,选定相应的候选信号物质或信号途径并深入验证。另外,构建AMOS1过量表达株系并验证其能否增强铵胁迫响应信号的传递及对高铵的抗性。最终揭示AMOS1介导的铵胁迫信号的主要传导途径,以明确AMOS1是如何维持叶绿体正常发育以忍耐铵毒害。
中文关键词: AMOS1;高铵胁迫;叶绿体反馈信号;ABA 信号;ROS
英文摘要: Ammonium (NH4+) is necessary for normal life in most organisms, but is toxic to the cells when excess. Many properties and relevant physiological and genetic mechanisms underlying NH4+ toxicity have been reported in plants, but the process of defensive signaling triggered and transmitted in plants against NH4+ stress is unknown. In this study, we use Arabidopsis ammonium overly sensitive 1(amos1) mutant identified previously in our lab, which defecting chlorophyll accumulation rather than root growth, shoot fresh weight and NH4+ accumulation compared with wild type in response to NH4+ stress, to explore AMOS1-mediated NH4+-dependent signaling pathway by combination of genetics, genomics, bioinformatics and physiological approaches. Firstly, to find the candidate signaling pathway by analyzing the relationship between NH4+ -induced chlorisis and second messages such as ABA and ROS; and AMOS1-mediated NH4+ -dependent regulation network in transcriptional level and the major motif in promoters of these genes. Secondly, to confirm the signaling pathway via external application of the candidate message, analyses of related gene expression and mutants. Furthermore, to construct the AMOS1-overexpressed lines to test whether they can enhance the signaling pathway and tolerance to ammonium stress during chloroplast devel
英文关键词: AMOS1;high ammonium stress;chloroplast-restrograde signaling;ABA signaling;ROS