项目名称: 外部数据下中国商业银行操作风险度量模型验证研究
项目编号: No.71301087
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 管理科学
项目作者: 高丽君
作者单位: 山东财经大学
项目金额: 20.5万元
中文摘要: 为操作风险分配资本金是操作风险管理的第一道防线。然而,国内学者对"中国商业银行操作风险究竟有多大?"这个问题的回答结果差异很大。究其原因,内部数据难获取,收集的外部数据不同、直接将外部数据纳入模型,采用的度量模型不一样都会导致结果差异,而不进行模型验证或验证方法单一导致模型可信性不足。本申请从外部数据质量和模型适用性两方面展开。针对外部数据规范性、收集量进行分析,研究怎样用外部数据去揭示操作风险机理问题。分析外部数据内生偏差预处理的必要性并针对不同偏差采用不同技术进行调整,修正数据偏差。在数据规范、准确、充足基础上,针对操作风险"数据小样本、尖峰厚尾分布"的特点,选择或开发多种模型,针对操作风险特点采用模型回测与基准测试相结合、向前试探检验与重新取样相结合的验证技术综合验证模型,在提高数据质量前提下增强模型说服力,择优选择模型,回答"中国商业银行操作风险究竟有多大?"这个问题。
中文关键词: 商业银行;操作风险;外部数据;尺度模型;模型验证
英文摘要: Operational risk capital allocation is the first defense for operational risk management. However, the domestic scholars'answers to "how much the operational risk capital of the Chinese commercial banks is?" differ so much. Internal data is hard to collect and scholars use different external data, put external data directly into the models, use different model will lead to this difference, while no model validation or simple calidation method make models uncredible.So we consider the quality of external data and model applicability. we consider the external data collection,data specification, sample volume analysis to answer how to use external data to reveal the mechanism of operational risk. To study the necessity of endogenous deviation processing of external data, use defferent techniques to correct or eliminate data deviation. On this basis, build or choose operational risk measurement models which suit the two features "small sample, fat tail", then use model backtesting combine with benchmark test, walk forward test with resample technology to vaildate model consistency. On the basis of data quality, we aim to increase models persuasion and choose preferred models, then answer the question.
英文关键词: commercial bank;operational risk;external data;scale model;model validation