项目名称: 缺血性脑损伤介导的ErbB4胞内结构域分解的分子机制及作用研究
项目编号: No.81202533
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 药物学、药理学
项目作者: 卢应梅
作者单位: 浙江大学城市学院
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 神经元死亡是缺血性脑损伤发生、发展中的重要病理现象和核心过程。本课题以ErbB4受体信号通路为切入点,利用体内外脑缺血模型为研究平台,在细胞和整体水平结合多种分子生物学方法开展以下研究:1)从多角度阐明缺血性脑损伤诱导ErbB4胞内结构域分解是否与脑缺血后神经元凋亡过程相关联;2)缺血性脑损伤诱导ErbB4胞内结构域分解是否与细胞内钙稳态失衡及Calpain酶活性过度增强相关联; 3)深入探讨药物的神经保护作用是否与逆转ErbB4蛋白胞内结构域的分解关联,是通过何种分子机制起作用的。本研究通过探索脑损伤过程中ErbB4信号关联分子事件,为探索缺血性脑损伤病理情况下的生命现象本质提供实验依据。同时,本研究也为研发防治缺血性脑卒中的新型脑保护药提供实验依据。
中文关键词: 脑卒中;ErbB4;Calpain;Neuregulin-1β;神经元保护
英文摘要: Neuronal degeneration and death are hallmarks of cerebral ischemia, however, effective measures to minimize neuronal damage and improve recovery are still lacking. In the present study, we characterize a mechanism whereby disturbance of ErbB4 signaling mediates neuronal cell death in response to ischemia. Firstly, we examine whether the cleavage and cellular translocation of ErbB4 participates in the early phase of brain ischema by using in vitro and in vivo model. Moreover, we next examine the critical role of calpain on cleavage of ErbB4, to clarify whether ischemia-initiated calpain overactivation is a causative event for the intracellular cleavage and cellular redistribution of ErbB4 in brain. Finally, we also use ErbB4 knockout mice to analyze potential neuroprotective effect of NRG1 and/or calpain inhibitor after ischemia as well as its precise molecular mechanisms. Therefore, one might expect that the body of direct mechanistic data on the role of ErbB4 signaling during ischemia may afford clinicians a new therapeutic armamentarium to treat patients with stroke.
英文关键词: Brain ischemia;ErbB4;Calpain;Neuregulin-1β;Neuroprotection