项目名称: 干旱区城市代谢网络结构研究-以金昌市为例
项目编号: No.41301652
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 张子龙
作者单位: 兰州大学
项目金额: 23万元
中文摘要: 随着城市化进程的加快,我国正面临严重的城市环境问题。由于生态环境的敏感性和脆弱性,干旱区城市发展面临的资源环境压力更大。从代谢角度而言,城市环境问题可以归结为物质、能源代谢结构的紊乱和失衡,因此,如何从代谢结构角度,系统解析环境问题症结所在,具有一定的理论和现实意义。 本研究以地处干旱区的金昌市为研究区域,利用物质流和投入产出分析,建立物质、能源代谢账户,构建代谢关系网络,并利用网络环境分析方法,通过分析代谢主体之间的直接和间接互动关系,辨识网络控制和依赖主体,进而剖析代谢网络结构,度量代谢的环境效应和城市系统可持续性,基于此,解析代谢结构与城市环境问题、城市可持续性之间的内在联系,探讨如何通过改变代谢结构,实现资源节约、减轻环境污染和增强城市可持续性的对策,以期为城市代谢系统结构研究提供新的思路和方法,为干旱区城市可持续发展提供理论和实践支撑。
中文关键词: 城市代谢;网络结构;代谢效率;累积代谢;可持续性
英文摘要: With the acceleration of urbanization, China is facing the serious urban environmental challenge. Due to the sensitivity and vulnerability of environment, the urban environmental problems in arid China are even worse. From the perspective of metabolism, the environmental problems are result of the chaos and unbalance of material and energetic metabolic structure in urban system. So it is significant to capturing the cause of environment problems through analyzing the structure of metabolic system. By integrating material flow analysis, input-output analysis and network environmental analysis, the study will examine the mutual interaction and control situation within the urban system of Jinchang City which located in arid northwest China, and assess the environmental effects of urban metabolism and sustainability of urban system. Based on that, the study will analysis the internal relationship between metabolic network structure and environmental effects and system sustainability to identify the possible pathway to alleviation the resource and environmental problems and enhance the sustainability of urban system by adjusting the metabolic network structure. The study not only can replenish and improve the theoretic system of urban metabolism research, but also can provide the theoretic basis and policy reference
英文关键词: urban metabolism;network stucture;metabolic efficiency;accumulation metablism;sustainability