项目名称: 城市网络视角下我国多中心城市群空间结构演化研究
项目编号: No.41501177
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 刘行健
作者单位: 香港大学深圳研究院
项目金额: 20万元
中文摘要: 鉴于多中心城市群的发展在我国国土空间发展中日益重要的地位,本研究针对多中心城市群的空间结构演化问题,从城市网络视角入手,开展城市群多中心定义与度量、城市网路时空变化动因分析、多网络共同演化模拟、以及多中心发展与城市生产力关联等研究,解决多中心城市群空间结构演化中的多中心性度量、网络生成模拟、与多中心城市群经济效率评价等核心问题。实证部分将以多年份我国全行业企业网络数据,覆盖航空、铁路和公交的交通网络数据以及互联网IP联系网络数据为数据基础,在描述性网络分析工具基础上引入生成式网络模型、空间分析与空间经济计量等分析方法。研究成果将拓展城市地理网络研究方法, 丰富多中心城市群城市网络发展理论, 深化对我国多中心城市群发展的认知,为合理地制定和推动城市群发展规划与政策提供理论与实践指导。
中文关键词: 城市群;全球城市网络;城镇体系;社会网络分析
英文摘要: Polycentric urban regions play an increasingly important role in the spatial development of China. This research aims at understanding the evolution of the spatial structure of polycentric urban regions in China. Taking an urban network perspective, the study will define and measure polycentricity of Chinese urban regions, analyze the determinants of network evolutions in urban regions, model the co-evolution of multiple urban networks, as well as evaluate the relationship between polycentric development and economic productivity of urban regions. The empirical analyses will use data on multi-year nation-wide intercity corporate, transportation, and internet networks. In addition to the more conventional descriptive social network analytics, this project will introduce generative network models to simulate the formation and evolution of urban networks. As for the evaluation of the relationship between polycentric urban development and economic productivity, the project will build up an urban production function, incorporating explicitly polycentricity measures and using spatial econometrics. The end results of this project would extend network analytical methods for urban studies and urban geography, contribute to the theories of polycentric urban regions from an urban network perspective, as well as provide theoretical and empirical supports for devising plans and policies for polycentric urban regions.
英文关键词: Urban regions;Urban networks;Urban system;Network analysis