项目名称: 抗坏血酸相关生理过程的活体电分析化学基础研究
项目编号: No.21475089
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 高分子科学
项目作者: 刘坤
作者单位: 首都体育学院
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 作为脑内重要的小分子化学物质,抗坏血酸在诸多生理过程中发挥着重要的作用,因此发展在活体层次获取脑内抗坏血酸变化的方法对于理解和认识这些过程的分子机制具有重要的意义。本项目针对抗坏血酸活体电分析化学研究中的关键科学问题,在申请者已有的研究基础上,拟开展以下三方面研究:1)通过利用阵列碳纳米管修饰碳纤维电极,建立和发展了易被生理研究者使用的抗坏血酸活体电化学分析方法;2)系统研究了活体原位和活体在线抗坏血酸电化学分析的相关性;3) 探索抗坏血酸活体电化学分析方法在运动和脑缺血等不同生理病理过程中的动态变化规律。本项目的实施为针对与抗坏血酸相关的生理过程分析方法的研究发展了新的分析原理和方法,对于进一步促进分析化学与脑科学研究的交叉和融合具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 活体电化学分析;抗坏血酸;微电极;微透析;运动神经科学
英文摘要: Ascorbate is an important small molecular chemical which plays fundamental role as antioxidant and neuromodulator in many physiological and pathological processes. Although investigating the temporal-spatial dynamic change of brain ascorbate in these processes is significant, in vivo monitoring brain ascorbate with high temporal-spatial resolution is still a challenging work. In this study, we are going to do the following works: 1) Establish new electroanalytical methods based on excellent electrocatalytic activity and oxygen reduction property of aligned carbon nanotubes for on-line or in vivo monitoring ascorbate with high selectivity, sensitivity and stability. 2) Compare the comparability and feasibility between the on-line microdialysis and the in vivo voltametry electrochemical methods for in vivo monitoring brain ascorbate. 3) Investigate the temporal-spatial dynamic change of ascorbate in running and cerebral ischemia processes. This study will be beneficial to either constructing new methods of in vivo electrochemical analysis or understanding mechanisms of brain function in small chemical molecular level.
英文关键词: in vivo electrochemical analysis;ascorbate;microelectrode;microdialysis;sports-neuroscience