项目名称: 高速高压轴向柱塞泵的多场耦合理论研究
项目编号: No.51275123
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 姜继海
作者单位: 哈尔滨工业大学
项目金额: 84万元
中文摘要: 液压泵是液压系统的核心元件,属于工业基础元件,其性能直接决定了液压系统的性能。随着液压驱动技术的不断进步,对高速高压轴向柱塞泵的需求也越来越迫切。本项目主要对高速高压轴向柱塞泵内部各物理场的分布进行深入研究,揭示各物理场间的耦合机理,建立轴向柱塞泵关键部件的物理场耦合模型。确定轴向柱塞泵工作时的各物理场边界条件,通过联合仿真、数值解析等方法和手段来求解各物理场的分布情况。搭建轴向柱塞泵内各关键部件的物理场试验台,获取试验结果并与理论分析结果进行对比。在此基础上,从各物理场能量转换和传递的角度探寻提高柱塞泵效率的措施。提出基于多场耦合的多目标多工况高速高压轴向柱塞泵优化设计理论,并通过试验验证该理论的正确性。本项目的完成将填补我国在高速高压轴向柱塞泵研究领域的空白,为我国成功研制具有自主知识产权的高性能柱塞泵提供理论依据。
中文关键词: 液压元件;优化设计;轴向柱塞泵;多场耦合;高速高压
英文摘要: Hydraulic pump is the core component in hydraulic system, which belongs to the industry fundamental element, and its performance directly determine the hydraulic system's performance. Along with the development of hydraulic drive technology, there comes an urgent need for high speed and high pressure hydraulic pump.This project focuses on the distribution of physical fields in high speed high pressure axial piston pump, including the coupling mechanism between those fields, and establishes the coupling model of key parts in axial piston pump. After determining the boundary conditions of each physical field under normal condition, combined simulation and numerical analysis will be undertaken to solve the distribution of the physical fields. Test beds for multi-physical fields of key parts in axial piston pump will be built, and the experimental results will be compared with theoretical analysis results. Based on the result, measures for improving the efficiency of the piston pump will be explored in the view of energy conversion and transmission between physical fields. An optimum design theory of high speed and high pressure axial piston pump will be developed, which aims to multi-optimizing objectives and multiple loading conditions, and experiment will be done to prove its validity. This project will fill the
英文关键词: Hydraulic Component;Optimal Design;Axial Piston Pump;Multi-field Couple;High Speed and High Pressure