项目名称: 生物运动在工作记忆中的加工机制及其神经基础
项目编号: No.31271089
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 高在峰
作者单位: 浙江大学
项目金额: 75万元
中文摘要: 生物运动是指生物体在空间上整体移动,在时间上具有连续性的动作,如行走、跳舞等。它传递着重要的社会信息,对我们的生存有着举足轻重的进化意义。以往研究提示,为获得连贯完整的生物运动视觉体验,我们需实时编码、存储运动信息至认知加工系统的临时信息存储器- - 工作记忆。然而,以往采用生物运动为对象的研究均是就其加工性质(如整体性)、所能传递的社会信息等知觉层面的问题进行探索,从未有研究系统探讨生物运动在工作记忆中的加工机制。故本项目拟采用行为实验、脑电、眼动技术相结合的手段,以由光点运动序列构成的生物运动为实验材料,从信息在工作记忆中的选择、存储、比较三个目前最受研究者关注的加工过程出发,探讨生物运动在工作记忆中的加工机制及其相关的神经基础。探明该问题对加深理解生物运动的加工机制,填补工作记忆研究领域的空缺,揭示社会信息加工与工作记忆的交互机制等具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 生物运动;工作记忆;编码;存储;比较
英文摘要: Biological motion refers to an agent's behavior which moves gloablly in space and lasts quite a while in time,for instance, walking and dancing. It transfers important social information, playing a critial role in our life. Previous studies imply that to form a coherent visual experience of the biological motion, we need to dynamically encode and store the motion information into a temporal storage buffer- - working memory. However, to our knowledge, all the previous studies focused on the perceptual aspects of processing biological motion, such as the processing charateristics of biological motion (e.g., holistic processing) and the available information extracted from biological motion. So far, no study has investigated the processing mechanisms of biological motion in working memory. The current project hence aims at investigating the cognitive and neural mechanisms of processing the biological motion in working memory, by using behavioral, ERP/EEG, and eye-movment recording methods. Point light displays are adopted as materials for biological motion. Since encoding, maitaining, and comapring information are considered as the three critical processes in working memory, we thereby focuse on the processing mechanisms of biological motion in terms of these three asepcts. The current exploration will greatly impr
英文关键词: biological motion;working memory;encoding;maintenance;comparsion