项目名称: 无网格伽辽金法和有限元法耦合的人体肺部对冲击载荷的动力学响应及损伤机理研究
项目编号: No.31300784
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 生物科学
项目作者: 韩勇
作者单位: 厦门理工学院
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 肺部是道路交通伤中易受损伤器官并引起伤亡的主要原因之一。对肺部的损伤机理研究是车辆安全设计和降低伤亡风险的必要生物力学基础。肺由肺泡及软组织组成,呈粘弹性。现有研究肺部损伤的数值方法将肺简化为一维的质量-弹簧模型,难以精确评估肺部损伤。本项目重点围绕肺部软组织粘弹性材料对冲击载荷动力学响应及损伤风险评价函数的关键科学问题,采用无网格伽辽金和有限元耦合方法构建肺部数值模型,研究在冲击载荷条件下肺部的动力学响应参数与损伤参数的关系及不同冲击速度对肺的粘弹性材料响应特性的影响,应用物理实验验证模型的有效性。并采用验证的模型和耦合方法重建典型交通事故案例中的肺损伤并研究肺部损伤参数和损伤机理, 建立肺对冲击速度和胸腔压缩量的损伤风险评价函数f(v, c),为胸部粘性损伤准则(VCmax) 及车辆安全性设计提供生物力学基础。该研究将促进无网格法在生物力学研究领域的基础理论研究和应用。
中文关键词: 肺部损伤;冲击载荷;损伤机理;生物力学;有限元法
英文摘要: Lung injury is the most common and deadly vehicle accident injuries. Understanding the injury mechanism of the lung under impact loadings is the basis to improve vehicle safety design and decrease the fatal injuries. Lung is consist of alveolus and other soft tissues, manifested as viscoelasticty properties, the existing numerical methods for lung injuries simplified as one-dimensional quality-spring model, it is difficult to accurately assess lung damage. The dynamic response and injury risk evaluation function for the viscoelasticty properties of the lung soft tissue under impact loading is the key scientific issues. This project aims at coupling the method of element-free Galerkin and finite element methods to develop the numerical analysis model of the lung. To study the dynamic response and injury parameters under impact loadings and the influence of the impact velocities on the response characteristic of the lung soft tissue material. Validating the effectiveness of the numerical model by using the physical experiments. Typical traffic accident cases with lung injuries are selected for lung injuries reconstruction to study the lung injury parameters and mechanism by using the validated model via the coupling method. Developing the injury risk function between loading impact velocities and chest compression
英文关键词: Lung injury;;Impact loading;Injury mechanism;biomechanics;finite element mehtod