项目名称: 宽刈幅高度计海面高度反演算法研究
项目编号: No.41506207
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 徐莹
作者单位: 国家卫星海洋应用中心
项目金额: 22万元
中文摘要: 海面高度是研究海洋环流、海洋灾害预警、全球气候变化等重要的海洋动力环境参数,高度计是唯一能够观测海面高度的卫星遥感器。传统高度计由于仅对星下点观测,刈幅小,限制了其在海洋学中的应用。而宽刈幅高度计的观测刈幅宽度从几十到上百公里,且能给出刈幅内10km甚至1km分辨尺度的海面高度值,已成为未来高度计的发展方向。目前国内外宽刈幅高度计计划已经启动,但还没有合适的针对宽刈幅高度计的海面高度反演算法。.本项目拟针对宽刈幅高度计观测方式,开展海面高度干涉测量和误差校正方法研究,建立海面高度反演算法和误差分配模型。拟采用宽刈幅高度计模拟、航飞数据或实测数据,将雷达干涉测高理论与海洋环境特性相结合,建立其海面高度反演算法。对海面高度测量中的各项误差进行分析,采用升降轨交叉定标方法校正基线倾角误差,建立适用的误差分配模型。项目将为我国自主研发的宽刈幅高度计数据处理、应用预研奠定一定的理论和技术基础。
中文关键词: 宽刈幅高度计;海面高度;反演算法;交叉定标;误差分配模型
英文摘要: Sea surface height is the essential ocean dynamic parameter for ocean circulation investigation, marine disaster warning and global climate monitoring. Altimeter is the only space-borne instrument which is able to observe sea surface height. Conventional altimeter operates in nadir-looking mode and the narrow swath limits its further application in oceanography. Wide-swath altimeter's swath varies from tens to hundreds of kilometers. Based on the observation of wide-swath altimeter which is a great substitute for conventional altimeter, we can retrieve sea surface height at 10 km or even 1 km resolution. The design and manufacture of wide-swath altimeter has been proposed by foreign and domestic scientists. However, the appropriate sea surface height retrieval algorithm of wide-swath altimeter has not been resolved..In this project we intend to do research on the sea surface height interferometry, error budget and correction methods of wide-swath altimeter. On the basis of SAR interferometry and marine enviromental characteristics, we will use simulation data and air-borne data, or the real space-borne data of wide-swath altimeter to establish sea surface height retrieval algorithm. Measurement errors of sea surface height will be analyzed, and cross-over calibration method will be introduced to correct baseline roll error. Appropriate error budget model will also be established. The project will lay the theoretical and technical foundation of the data processing and oceanographic applications of Chinese wide-swath altimeter.
英文关键词: Wide-Swath Altimeter;Sea Surface Height;Retrival Algorithm;Cross-Over Calibration;Error Budget Model