项目名称: 基于无标记动态质量重置技术的丹参多靶点作用研究
项目编号: No.81473436
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 医药、卫生
项目作者: 张秀莉
作者单位: 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所
项目金额: 71万元
中文摘要: 多靶点药物作为治疗复杂疾病的有效手段,在癌症、抑郁症、糖尿病等复杂疾病正发挥着巨大的作用。中药是多靶点药物的鼻祖,其多靶点作用机制已在多个复方、单方和化合物上被发现,但总体而言中药多靶点研究进展的广度和深度远不及其他药理学研究。其重要原因是西药建立的单靶点筛查技术不能满足中药多成分、多靶点的筛查需求,更无法给出中药作用后靶点与靶点、靶点与整个网络的相互影响。针对上述问题,本项目以无标记新型传感器技术为突破口,构建基于动态质量重置技术的心血管疾病的多靶点筛查方法,在实验层面上实现无偏袒、系统化的靶点网络,再结合高通量、高效的微量活性化合物追踪制备技术,确定丹参酚酸化合物的作用靶点/通路,并获得各靶点之间的相互作用、浓度依赖性、细胞选择性等关联信息,从分子水平阐明丹参酚酸化合物的整合作用机制。
中文关键词: ;无标记;动态质量重置;丹参;多靶点筛查
英文摘要: Multi-targets drugs, as an effective treatment means of complex diseases, are playing a huge role in cancer, depression, diabetes and other complex diseases. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the originator of multi-targets drugs, but research progress of multi-target mechanism of TCM is far behind other pharmacological studies. The main reason is that single target screening technology which was built by western medicine cannot meet the need of the multiple components on multi-targets of TCM. To resolve this problem, a multi-targets screening method based on dynamic mass replacement technology will be built in this project. In this method, a comprehensive target network for cardiovascular disease will be realized on the experimental level. Combining with high efficient preparation technology for tracking trace active compounds, the targets and signal pathway of phenolic compounds in Danshen will be determined. Furthermore, the interaction between the targets, concentration dependence of each target and cell selectivity of targets will be obtained first time to help us to understand the integration mechanism of phenolic compounds.
英文关键词: ;label-free;dynamic mass redistribution;Danshen;multi-targets screening