项目名称: 高重复频率激光非合作目标测量研究
项目编号: No.41274189
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 郭唐永
作者单位: 中国地震局地震研究所
项目金额: 70万元
中文摘要: 空间非合作目标的观测对航天、国防以及科学研究具有重要现实意义。激光测距观测法是一种新的手段,美国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚和日本等国都在积极开展研究,我国上海和云南天文台也进行了一些观测试验。但这些实验的共同特点是使用几个焦耳高能量和大约10Hz低发射频率的激光器来进行的,由于能量较大热效应大,带来稳定性较差,光学器件承受、人员安全保护、系统体积功耗大等一系列问题。本项研究尝试使用毫焦级低能量和千次级高发射速率的激光器配合相关技术进行实验,激光总的功率并没有增加,但是数据量和精度大幅提高,还会因此获得如目标捕获率、回波率、自动搜索功能和盲测等性能的提高,同时也消除了高能量带来的弊端。这对非合作目标测距技术来说确实是一个飞跃。我所最近研制的1米口径流动SLR系统TROS-1000为此新的尝试提供了很好的基础平台,使得mj激光器进行非合作目标测距的试验可能完成。其实现的可能性和推广应用前景可以期待。
中文关键词: 非合作目标;轨道;目标捕获;千赫兹激光测距;流动卫星激光测距
英文摘要: The space non-cooperative target observation has important practical significance for aerospace, national defense and scientific research. The laser ranging observation is a new method for the non-cooperative target observation. The United States, Russia, Australia and Japan and other countries are actively research on this respect, China's Shanghai and Yunnan Observatory also carried out some observation experiments. But the common feature of these experiments are the high energy of several Joules and about 10Hz low repetition rate of the laser. Because of the higher energy and thermal effects of the system devices, it will be cause some problems, which include loss stability, optical devices wastage, personnel safety hazards, the bigger system volume and power consumption , and so on. This research will be tried to complete the relative experiments by the laser of mJ-level low-energy and kHz repetition rate. The total power of the laser do not be increased, but the amount of data and the accuracy will be increased significantly. This may bring not only improve the system performance, such as target capture rate, echo rate, auto-search function, invisibility observation, and daytime observations, but also to eliminate the abuse of high energy. For non-cooperative target observation technique, this wi
英文关键词: Non-cooperative Target;Orbit;Capturing Target;KHz Laser Ranging;Mobile SLR