项目名称: 杨树GST基因家族极端环境适应性进化机制研究
项目编号: No.91231103
项目类型: 重大研究计划
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 微生物学、植物学
项目作者: 曾庆银
作者单位: 中国科学院植物研究所
项目金额: 100万元
中文摘要: 揭示生物适应性进化的过程和机制是进化生物学研究的核心科学问题。本课题以一重要的功能基因家族——谷胱甘肽转移酶(GST)基因家族为例,选择适应青藏高原极端环境的亚东杨和适应西北干旱荒漠极端环境的胡杨为研究材料,结合基因组学、分子进化、分子生物学和生物化学等多学科分析手段,研究亚东杨和胡杨GST 基因家族基因组结构和拷贝数的变异、分子进化特征、基因家族在极端环境下的表达调控模式、蛋白质结构和功能的分化模式和机制、以及适应性突变位点的功能意义,通过整合以上结构与功能参数,逐步揭示极端环境下近缘植物物种中基因家族变异与适应极端环境之间的内在联系及其进化意义。
中文关键词: 基因家族;基因组;蛋白质功能;功能分化;杨树
英文摘要: Understanding evolution at the molecular level is a central goal in modern biology. The molecular mechanisms of adaptive evolution and functional divergence of plant gene families in extreme environments still remain mysterious. In this study, we will focus on glutathione S-transferase (GST) gene family in Populus yatungensis and Populus euphratica genomes. P. yatungensis is a native species of Tibetan Plateau, and grows from 2700 to 4200 m above sea level. While P. euphratica is a salt-tolerant tree species growing in saline desert areas in China, can tolerate high concentration of salts. Firstly, we will investigate the molecular mechanisms contributing to the copy number variations of GST gene family in P. yatungensis and P. euphratica genomes. Secondly, the gene expression patterns of GST gene family under normal growth conditions and stress will be examined using RT-PCR and real-time RT-PCR. Thirdly, enzymatic functions of GST proteins from P. yatungensis and P. euphratica will be characterized in detail. Finally, by integrating all the results about molecular evolution, gene expressions and protein functions, this study will shed light on the adaptive evolution and functional divergence of Populus GST gene family in extreme environments.
英文关键词: gene family;genome;protein function;functional divergence;Populus