项目名称: 基于量子基准的微伏量子电压的研究
项目编号: No.51477159
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 电工技术
项目作者: 李红晖
作者单位: 中国计量科学研究院
项目金额: 45万元
中文摘要: 本项目依据约瑟夫森效应,研究对可编程约瑟夫森结阵的台阶电压进行差分补偿的方法,将目前一个最小的量子电压台阶高度从30微伏(μV)降低到1微伏(μV)。可以将微伏量级的微小电压信号直接溯源到目前世界上最高精度的量子基准上,产生一个准确度在十皮伏(pV)量级的微伏量子电压,利用量子电学基准这个最先进的计量手段对微伏、甚至是纳伏量级的微小电量进行精密测量,将约瑟夫森量子电压的测量领域从毫伏拓展到微小电压信号的测量领域。 本项目依托于我们现有的可编程约瑟夫森量子电压基准,是一个具有探索性、创新性的量子电学计量的研究课题,目前国内外还未见相关的研究报道。项目的前期实验结果表明,项目研究方案可行,已取得了不确定度为30皮伏的微伏量子电压的初步实验结果。 项目的研究内容符合目前以量子物理为基础的现代计量基础研究的发展趋势,拓展量子基准的应用研究领域。
中文关键词: 约瑟夫森效应;量子电压基准;可编程约瑟夫森结阵;冻结磁通;低电平精密测量
英文摘要: Based on Josephson effect, the project plans to organize a Josephson voltage to be compensated by an additional Josephson voltage with two programmale Josephson arrays, it is able to obtain the Josephson voltage resolution at microvolt level instead of 30μV.It is able to produce microvolt quantum voltage with the accuracy of dozens of picovolt, which is traced to quantum standard with the highest precision. It can realize the low level precision measurement of microvolt and nanovolt with quantum metrology, and improve the application of the Josephson voltage from milivolt to microvolt measurement. The research is developed by the exiting progammable Josephson voltage standars. It is expected by its exploration and innovation in quantum metrology. No any report of the research in this field has been found so far.The preliminary experiment results has supported the conclusion that the research program is feasible and reliable,by obtaining the microvolt quantum voltages with the uncertainty of 30 picovolt. The project research meets the development of the basic metrology reseach in modern quantum physics-based measurement, expanding the application in the field of the quantum metrology standard.
英文关键词: Josephson effect;Quantum voltage standard;Progammable Josephson array;Trap flux;Low level measurement