Quantum communications is a promising technology that will play a fundamental role in the design of future networks. In fact, significant efforts are being dedicated by both the quantum physics and the classical communications communities on developing new architectures, solutions, and practical implementations of quantum communication networks (QCNs). Although these efforts led to various advances in today's technologies, there still exists a non-trivial gap between the research efforts of the two communities on designing and optimizing the QCN performance. For instance, most prior works by the classical communications community ignore important quantum physics-based constraints when designing QCNs. For example, many works on entanglement distribution do not account for the decoherence of qubits inside quantum memories and, thus, their designs become impractical since they assume an infinite quantum states' lifetime. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework, dubbed physics-informed QCNs, for designing and analyzing the performance of QCNs, by relying on the quantum physics principles that underly the different QCN components. The need of the proposed approach is then assessed and its fundamental role in designing practical QCNs is analyzed across various open research areas. Moreover, we identify novel physics-informed performance metrics and controls that enable QCNs to leverage the state-of-the-art advancements in quantum technologies to enhance their performance. Finally, we analyze multiple pressing challenges and open research directions in QCNs that must be treated using a physics-informed approach to lead practically viable results. Ultimately, this work attempts to bridge the gap between the classical communications and the quantum physics communities in the area of QCNs to foster the development of future communication networks (6G and beyond, and the quantum Internet).
翻译:量子通信是一种很有希望的技术,在设计未来网络方面将发挥根本性作用,事实上,量子物理和古典通信界正在做出重大努力,开发量子通信网络的新架构、解决方案和实际实施。尽管这些努力导致了当今技术的各种进步,但两个社区在设计和优化定量网络绩效方面的研究工作之间仍然存在非三重差距。例如,古典通信界以往的多数工作在设计QCN时忽视重要的量子物理制约。例如,许多关于纠结分布的工作并不说明量子通信网络在量子记忆中脱节的尝试,因此,其设计变得不切实际。尽管这些努力导致当今技术在今天取得了各种进步,但在本文中,我们引入了一个新的框架,即受轻蔑的物理学知情的QCN,通过在设计量子物理方法下,在设计量子物理差距时忽略了重要的量子物理差异。随后,对处理的量子通信分配的许多工作没有考虑到量子网络在量子物理记忆中脱脱节的脱节,因此,在设计实际的量子网络时,其设计中的基本作用是模糊的。 在各种研究领域,我们可以分析其未来的业绩。