项目名称: 武陵山片区交通运输与旅游流空间结构协同演化研究
项目编号: No.41261032
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 天文学、地球科学
项目作者: 王兆峰
作者单位: 吉首大学
项目金额: 48万元
中文摘要: 交通运输是影响旅游流的关键因素。本项目以武陵山片区为典型研究区,依托协同论、Lancaster论和位序- - 规模分布等理论,借助GIS技术和Eviews软件,运用空间统计、数学模型等多种方法,分析交通运输与旅游流空间结构协同演化机理,建立交通运输与旅游流空间结构协同演化的测度模型,对不同层次、不同类型交通运输网络节点演化与其旅游流空间结构演化进行协同性评价,揭示交通运输网络与旅游流空间结构协同演化的规律,提出交通运输网络和旅游流演化的双重优化和协调机制与路径。理论上,改进了旅游交通运输网络和旅游流空间结构演化的测度方法,拓展了交通运输与旅游流空间结构协同演化的研究领域,丰富了旅游地理与人文地理研究的理论内涵;实践上,对于指导旅游地空间开发、旅游线路组织、旅游服务设施建设及交通规划和布局都具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 交通运输网;旅游流;协同演化;绩效测度;调控机制与对策
英文摘要: Transportation is one important factor which can influence tourism flows. Taking Wuling Mountain as a case area, based on the theories of Synergy, Lancaster and Order-size distribution, the project analyzes the mechanism of spatial structure co-evolution between transportation and tourism flows by GIS technology, Eviews software, spatial statistics, mathematical models and other methods, establish the model to measure co-evolution degree. Then it evaluates evolution synergy between transport network node and tourism flows, explores laws of co-evolution between them , and finally produce the paths to optimize and organize the transport and tourism flows networks. In theory, it will improve the testing method of co-evolution of transport and tourism flows networks, expend the research field of transport and tourism flows spatial structure, enrich the theory intension of human geography and tourism geography. In practice, it is significant for the guidance to the spatial development of tourism destination, organizing the tourist routes, constructing the tourism service facilities and traffic planning and layout.
英文关键词: Transportation network;tourist flows;synergistic evolution;performance measurement;regulation mechanism and strategy