项目名称: 空中近场爆炸下金属波纹夹层结构动态响应与失效机理研究
项目编号: No.51209099
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 水利科学与海洋工程学科
项目作者: 刘均
作者单位: 华中科技大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 金属波纹夹层结构是一种可应用于舰船的新型结构形式,其力学性能与传统加筋板结构有较大不同,其在空中近场爆炸载荷下的动态响应和失效机理是需要解决的关键科学问题。本项目主要研究内容包括:1)金属波纹夹层结构空中近场爆炸载荷特性研究;2)金属波纹夹层结构空中近场爆炸载荷下的非线性动态响应及失效机理研究;3)金属波纹夹层结构空中近场爆炸载荷及结构非线性动态响应的实验研究。研究拟考虑空气可压缩性的气-固耦合效应、结构塑性变形产生的温度效应,并将一般微分求积法和有限差分法结合应用于夹层结构气-固冲击响应计算,提出建立金属波纹夹层结构在空中近场爆炸下失效判据,研究工作具有创新性。本项研究将揭示金属波纹夹层结构在空中近场爆炸下的非线性动态响应特性及失效机理,具有重要的理论意义和学术价值,并为其工程应用奠定理论基础。
中文关键词: 波纹夹层结构;空中近场爆炸;爆炸实验;失效机理;数值仿真
英文摘要: Metallic sandwich structures with corrugated cores are new type structures which may be used in naval vessiles. Many mechanical properties of metallic sandwich structures with corrugated cores are quite different from those of traditional stiffened plate structures.The nonlinear mechanical behavior and failure mechanism of metallic sandwich structures with corrugated cores subjected to near-field explosions in air are key scientific problems to be sloved. The main contents of this research contain: 1)the analysis of the property of near-field air blast loads imposing on metallic sandwich structure with corrugated cores. 2)the investigation on nonlinear mechanical behavior and failure mechanism of metallic sandwich structure with corrugated cores under near-field air blast. 3)the experimental studies on near-field air blast load and nonlinear mechanical behavior of metallic sandwich structure with corrugated cores. In the study, the air-structure interaction with air compressibility considered, the temperature effects due to plastical large deformation will be taken into account. The general differential quadrature method combined with finite difference method will be employed to analyze the dynamic response of the structures. The failure criteria of metallic sandwich structure with corrugated cores under near-fi
英文关键词: Corrugated sandwich plate;Air blast loading;Blast experiment;Failure mechanism;Numerical simulation