项目名称: 模拟零重力及低重力的索驱动机器人动态特性与控制策略研究
项目编号: No.51475252
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 唐晓强
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 85万元
中文摘要: 我国正实施探月工程项目,迫切希望能在地面实现对月面或太空的低重力与零重力环境模拟,尤其是模拟月面火箭发射环境。针对低重力和零重力环境模拟要求,项目以索并联机器人为研究对象,研究其动态特性和控制策略等关键技术。首先基于一种完全约束的8索并联机构,研究其工作空间与索力耦合分析方法,并求出索机构的力封闭空间和刚度封闭空间。其次,通过建立实时矢量力模型和引入外扰力模型,构建出复合动力学模型,完成跟踪精度、重力补偿等分析,为零重力或低重力模拟控制策略的提出奠定基础。最后,基于实时力反馈的力位混合控制方法,完成兼顾扰动力的零重力及低重力模拟控制策略研究,并设计相应的索实验装置和测量系统,验证理论研究的正确性。通过对本项目的研究,不仅能推进探月计划中的月面低重力模拟发射和空间零重力模拟对接等实验,而且对推动索驱动并联机器人的基础理论研究也具有重要意义。
中文关键词: 索驱动并联机器人;低重力模拟;零重力模拟;动态特性;控制策略
英文摘要: China is carrying out the lunar exploration project, and there is an urgent hope to achieve the zero or low gravity space simulation environment in the ground, especially for the simulation of rocket launchers on lunar surface. Based on the cable driven parallel robot, the project is to explore using it to solve the key technologies of low gravity and zero-gravity environment simulation, which include the dynamic characteristics and control strategies. Firstly, based on an 8-cable driven full constraints parallel robot, the workspace and cable tension coupling analysis method are investigated and the force of the cable robot enclosed space and stiffness enclosed space are obtained. Secondly, through the establishment of a real-time vector force model and the introduction of external disturbance force model, the composite dynamic model of elastic body is built, the gravity compensation and tracking accuracy are analyzed, which lay the foundation for proposing the control strategy of zero gravity or low gravity. Finally, based on the hybrid force-position control method of real-time force feedback and disturbance force, the control strategy for zero-gravity and low gravity is researched. The cable experimental device and measurement system are designed to verify the theoretical research. The project study not only can promote the low-gravity simulation of the lunar surface for the lunar exploration project, also has important promotion for the basic theory of the cable driven parallel robot.
英文关键词: Cable driven parallel robot;Low gravity simulation;Zero gravity simulation;Dynamic characteristics;Control strategy