项目名称: 海胆脊骨多孔结构强韧化机理的实验研究和数值模拟
项目编号: No.11202208
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 蒋锐
作者单位: 安徽农业大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 多孔陶瓷因韧性低使其在工程方面的应用受到了很大程度的限制,强韧化设计成为研究热点问题。海胆脊骨多孔结构具有轻质、高渗透性、抗断裂性好等优点,主要成分是很平常的脆性材料方解石(碳酸钙),因奇特的生物结构而具有强韧性。本项目围绕宏观力学性能与微观结构之间的关系这一主题,从实验研究和数值模拟两个方面着手探索强韧化机理。从分析海胆脊骨奇特微观结构出发,观察其内部跨尺度的多级、分层、非匀质结构,采用宏观压缩实验、细观同步辐射CT与加载相结合、纳米压痕实验三种手段来研究不同尺度下的力学性能,再结合基于CT重建真实微结构的有限元模拟,解决如下两大问题:(1)压缩载荷作用下内部三维微结构的演化规律,其变形和破坏模式;(2)由脆性材料构建韧性结构的内在机理。通过本项目的研究,揭示海胆脊骨优异力学性能与微观结构之间的关系,探明吸能特性和强韧化机制,可为强韧化多孔陶瓷材料仿生设计提供生物学启示。
中文关键词: 多孔陶瓷;强韧化机理;仿生设计;数值模拟;
英文摘要: Porous ceramics' applications in engineering fields is limited for its low toughness.Therefore toughen design of it have been a hot topic.The spine of sea urchin has many advantages such as light-weight,permeable and graceful fracture behavior.However the main component of the spine is ordinary brittle calcite through magic structures.This project surround the topic of the relationships between macro-scale mechanical properties and microstructures,explore the toughen mechanisms by experimental investigation and numerical simulation.Observe the inner multi-scale hierachical and inhomogenous structures. Macro-scale compression,micro-scale compression accompanied with SR-CT,nanoindentation were introduced to study the mechnical properties under each scale. Finite Element Analysis based on SR-CT also held on. Combine these three aspects study, try to figure out two issues:(1)the evolution rules of 3D microstructure of the spine during the compression, the deformation and destroy mechanisms;(2)construct tough stucture from brittle materials. By this project, the relationships between the graceful fracture properties and the microstructure should be found,the tough mechanisms also should be clarified ,the biological inspiration which is helpful for toughen design of porous ceramics should be provided.
英文关键词: porous ceramic;toughen mechanism;bionic design;numerical simulation;