项目名称: 褐家鼠对新异食物的反应及相关社会信息的传递
项目编号: No.30870374
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2009
项目学科: 金属学与金属工艺
项目作者: 魏万红
作者单位: 扬州大学
项目金额: 28万元
中文摘要: 本项研究以行为生态学相关原理为基础,分析了褐家鼠对新异食物的反应及相关信息传递特征。主要采用室内研究的方法:1)定量分析了褐家鼠对新异食物选择的个体差异及时间变化格局,确定新异食物的种类、营养以及颜色、形状和体积大小对褐家鼠新异食物选择的影响,验证褐家鼠对新异食物选择的时间等级期望原理,确定了影响新异食物选择的主要因素,分析了褐家鼠对新异食物选择的年龄和性别差异及时间变化格局,确定了褐家鼠对新异食物选择的适应性对策,提出利用新异反应提高防治水平的具体方法;2)定量分析经验个体对无经验个体取食新异食物的示范效应,比较有学习个体与示范者熟悉程度对学习者新异食物选择行为的影响,验证社会信息刺激增强假说,探讨褐家鼠社会学习对新异食物选择的信息传递作用及影响因素,揭示了社会学习对动物生存的适应意义;3)通过模拟野外实验,分析了褐家鼠在不同的环境条件下对新异食物选择的特征,分析环境条件、食物特征对动物新异食物选的影响。通过以上研究,验证了动物食物选择的相关理论,提出了利用新异食物反应和社会信息传递提高对褐家鼠危害防治水平的新思路和新方法。
中文关键词: 褐家鼠;新异食物;社会信息;食物选择
英文摘要: The project will use the principle of behaviour ecology to study the response of Norway rat to the novel food and transmission of social information in related to its novel food. The aim of this study is to shed some light upon the diet selection strategy in Norway rats concerning the novel food. 1) For food novelty, tested individuals were given a free choice between some novel foods and recorded the number of visits, time spent and food consumed. On the topic of physical characters, Food shape and color appeared to have no influence on the food selection process with animal age the main factor affected both number of visits and amount of food consumed. Finally, small sized food dishes received the highest numbers of visits and longest feeding bouts compared with other sizes. These results indicate that food novelty, glucose and size may contribute to the food selection process in Norway rats. Meanwhile, the study process of Norway rat to the novel food was in accord with the scalar expectancy theory. 2) For community intercourse, tested individuals were given study process with the fugleman. The relation among the tested individual and fugleman has an important affect on the novel food selection. In addition, stimulus enhancement hypothesis was validated in this research. 3) The food selection of Norway rats were researched in different condition by analyzing the behavioral responses to the odors of three predators of rodents, one non-predator mammal and distilled water were assessed in three types of Norway rats. Results revealed that the condition and food size could affect the food selection of Norway rats. The ecological effect of Norway rats novel food selection are discussed. This research will supply the data and idea for the damage control of the Norway rats.
英文关键词: Norway rats; novel food; community information; food selection