项目名称: 深海采矿机械液压系统非线性耦合振动机理及可靠性研究
项目编号: No.51479073
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 其他
项目作者: 周知进
作者单位: 贵州理工学院
项目金额: 83万元
中文摘要: 由于极端海洋环境的激励,深海采矿机械液压系统会产生耦合振动,耦合振动导致密封失效和液压元件疲劳破坏,研究深海采矿机械液压系统振动机理及可靠性具有重要的意义。本项目针对深海采矿机械液压系统受外部激励引起液压管道系统耦合振动,振动对系统密封性与液压元件可靠性影响展开研究:研究外部高压、海水冲击对液压系统管道振动的影响,揭示不同水压、不同水流速度作用下液压软管振动特性规律;研究外部激励引起的管道振动对液压油压力波动的相互作用机理,深入研究液压油压力波动导致的管道-液压油-密封圈三者流固耦合效应,揭示界面处密封元件、管接头位移变化与压力波动之间的内在关系;在获得管道结合处界面位移变化规律的基础上,提出深海采矿机械液压系统密封原理和方法;研究液压系统振动造成液压元件疲劳破坏规律,建立深海环境下液压系统可靠性模型。研究成果为海洋工程机械液压系统优化设计和密封原理以及液压系统可靠性设计提供技术支持。
中文关键词: 深海采矿机械;液压系统;流固耦合;管道振动;可靠性
英文摘要: Because of excitation of extreme marine environments,hydraulic system of deep-sea mining machine will give birth to coupled vibrations that lead to sealing failure and fatigue failure of hydraulic components.Therefore it is very important significance that the safety and reliability of hydraulic system for deep-sea mining machinery are studied. The project will regard the hydraulic system of the deep-sea mining machinery as the research object. Its impacts of sealand reliability of hydraulic components based on the fluid-structure interaction effect are researched.These effects on pipe's vibrations characteristics of high pressure and relative water speed under deep-sea environment are studied, and the dynamic response laws of pipe's vibrations caused by different pressure and water speed are revealed. Pipeline's vibration caused by external excitations play a role on the hydraulic oil pressure fluctuation.Because of the fluid-structure interaction effects among pipeline and hydraulic oil and seal rings caused by the hydraulic pressure changes,the combination interface displacements will be simulated and tested.The internal relates between the sealing interface displacements and pressure pulsation in the pipeline's joints will be set up.On the basic of getting the rules of pipeline junction interface displaces,sealed principles and methods of hydraulic system for deep-sea engineering mechanical will be proposed.Hydraulic system component fatigue damage rules due to pressure fluctuation will be researched,and the reliability models of the typical hydraulic components will be established.The project's achievements will provide theories and technologies for hydraulic system of deep-sea engineering machinery on optimal design,sealed principle and reliability design.
英文关键词: deep-sea mining machine;hydraulic system;fluid-constructure interaction;pipeline's vibration;reliability