项目名称: 东北大豆低聚糖全基因组关联分析及功能标记开发
项目编号: No.31671712
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2017
项目学科: 食品科学、农学基础与作物学
项目作者: 王跃强
作者单位: 吉林省农业科学院
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 大豆低聚糖约占籽粒干物质的10%,主要包括蔗糖、棉籽糖、水苏糖等。大豆低聚糖除与种子的耐脱水性有关,还影响豆制品的品质。发掘低聚糖组分优异基因,对大豆品质育种意义重大。目前虽连锁定位了一些QTL,但因其遗传机制复杂,育种利用尚难实现。因此,全面搜索显著提高低聚糖组分优异等位变异及开发功能标记具有重要意义,而迄今国内外尚无报道。本研究以478份东北大豆核心种质为材料,借助Consensus Map 4.0高密度遗传图谱上SNP及SSR标记进行大豆低聚糖组分的关联定位,全基因组扫描搜索有利等位变异;结合连锁定位及文献报导定位结果,根据公布的大豆全基因组和低聚糖组分代谢基因序列信息,筛查所获重要位点内高置信候选基因;利用候选基因鉴定低聚糖组分关键基因,进而在连续2年3地精确的表型鉴定基础上,发掘稳定的优异功能标记,为种质创新和特用大豆分子设计育种提供技术基础。
中文关键词: 大豆;低聚糖;全基因组;关联分析;功能标记
英文摘要: Soy oligosaccharides is a kind of carbohydrates, accounting for about 10% of the dry matter in soybean, mainly including sucrose, stachyose, raffinose etc.. Soy oligosaccharides are related to the desiccation-tolerance and soybean storability of soybean seed, and also affect quality and taste of bean products. There were few correlative reports of oligosaccharides genetic research in domestic. The oligosaccharides content of 478 core collection from Northeast of China will be analyzed at three locations in three years to mining the excellent genetic basis for special soybean breeding. Genome-wide association analysis will be used to determine related SNP of soy oligosaccharides with the oligosaccharides content data of multiple years and sites. The soybean genome database will be used for gene prediction and genome annotation to determine gene related to soy oligosaccharides and to reveal the molecular mechanism of soybean oligosaccharides’ formation. Association analysis will be applied to identify the molecular marker assistant breeding on special soybean variety.
英文关键词: soybean;oligosaccharides;Genome-wide;association mapping; functional markers