项目名称: 高速铁路隧道服役行为及安全风险控制研究
项目编号: No.U1434206
项目类型: 联合基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 建筑科学
项目作者: 仇文革
作者单位: 西南交通大学
项目金额: 275万元
中文摘要: 我国高铁运营里程已达11028km,其中隧道1843km,并在今后3~5年还会有较大的增长。管好用好隧道事关高铁运营安全与质量。然而,我国地域辽阔,地质、气象条件复杂多变,导致隧道百年服役期内存在一定的安全风险。本项目拟结合现场调查、模型试验、数值计算、理论分析等手段和方法,建立隧道结构损伤现象与原因的因果关系库,预测各类损伤可能会导致的风险事件,确定结构和附属设施劣化曲线/规律、环境类型与围岩变异作用等级,重点以偶然极端荷载和围岩长期变异累积效应为切入点,求解安全系数经年衰变曲线,并以安全系数最小指标作为风险控制阈值,确定维修时机,同时研发裂损衬砌快速微创修缮技术,解决隧道服役期行为演变规律与结构安全的偶然性风险事件识别方法、结构安全系数经年衰变曲线的求解方法和裂损衬砌快速微创修缮原理等关键科学问题,为高速铁路隧道运营安全评估与维修提供理论支撑和技术保障。
中文关键词: 高速铁路隧道;服役行为;安全性;耐久性;风险控制
英文摘要: The operation length of high speed railway in China has been 11028km, which is about half of the world total and 1843km tunnel in it. It will continue great growth in 3~5 years. How to manage and operate tunnel matters much on operation safety and quality of high speed railway. However, because of vast territory and complexity of geology and meteorological condition, as well as maladjustment of existing theoretical method and technology system on high speed railway, study on service behavior and safety risk control theory and techniques of high speed railway tunnel become very necessary. Basted on methods of field investigation, model test and numerical analysis, the causal relationship library for structure damage phenomenon and cause of tunnel lining will be established. Risk event caused by different damage are to be forecast. The degradation curve and environmental form and variation of surrounding rock impact level are determined. Accidental extreme loading condition and variation of surrounding rock are entry point.Yearly decay curve for safety factor are solved, using minimum safety factor to be risk control thresholds to determine best repair time. Rapid tiny-hurt repair principle for lining cracking is to be studied, providing theoretical support and technical support for operation safety assessment and maintenance of high speed railway tunnel.
英文关键词: NULL