项目名称: 高山公路环境下充液半挂液罐汽车横向动力学及适配技术研究
项目编号: No.51465023
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 机械、仪表工业
项目作者: 杨秀建
作者单位: 昆明理工大学
项目金额: 50万元
中文摘要: 半挂液罐汽车(TSTTV)是公路液体货物运输的主力车型,在复杂的操纵工况下液-车之间强烈的耦合作用导致整车的操控性差,易发生侧翻或横摆失稳而引发严重的道路交通事故。本项目针对高原山区公路坡长、坡陡、弯多、弯急险恶的道路特征,以提高高山道路环境下TSTTV行驶的稳定性为目标,提出面向特定道路环境特征有针对性地进行TSTTV罐-车结构参数设计匹配的解决方案,并对相关理论和关键技术展开研究。研究高山道路环境下TSTTV的横向动力学特性、横向失稳特征及其与道路特征的内在联系,构建面向TSTTV横向稳定性的罐-车结构参数设计匹配的理论与方法,建立面向高山公路环境特征的TSTTV横向稳定性评价指标模型,总结归纳适应高山公路环境特征的TSTTV整体结构特征和罐-车参数的匹配原则。本项目研究将为特定道路环境下TSTTV及相关液罐车辆的结构设计、选配应用提供科学的理论依据。
中文关键词: 汽车动力学;车辆工程;动力学仿真;动态特性
英文摘要: The maneuverability of tractor-semitrailer tank vehicle (TSTTV) which is one of the main transport tools currently for liquid goods is very poor caused by the strong coupling effect of the tank liquid and the vehicle in complex operation situations, so it seems very easy to cause lateral destabilization such as rollover, yaw jackknife when in this cases fatal accident won't be avoid. The proposed program aims to improve the TSTTV's lateral stability and security in the plateau and mountainous area by certain road condition oriented vehicle parameter-design and -match methodology. The roads in plateau and mountainous area are full of long slope, steep slope and abrupt curves, so in this kind of road conditions the TSTTV generally presents particular handling, stability and maneuverability behaviors which are very different from those in plain areas. According to this issue and the solution scheme of certain road condition oriented vehicle parameter-design and -match methodology, this program is to investigate a series of relevant sub-issues deeply. In detail, we are going to understand and reveal the TSTTV's lateral dynamics mechanism and the features of lateral destabilization when running on the roads of plateau and mountainous area. We also want to know the internal relationship between the lateral destabilization and this special road condition. As one of the main work of this program, the principle of certain road condition oriented tank-vehicle parameter design and match will be discussed in detail. Then a lateral stability evaluating model for TSTTV facing the road condition in plateau and mountainous area will be built. Finally, we plan to analyze and conclude the principle and experience of parameter design and match for TSTTV in this particular kind of road conditions. The successful implement of this program can do much help for the design of TSTTV and other special vehicles especially in some certain road conditions by offering systematic and scientific theories.
英文关键词: Vehicle Dynamics;Vehicle Engineering;Dynamics Simulation;Dynamic Behavior