项目名称: 金属氧化物/金刚石异质结制备及其性能研究
项目编号: No.51502107
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2016
项目学科: 一般工业技术
项目作者: 成绍恒
作者单位: 吉林大学
项目金额: 21万元
中文摘要: 金刚石同时具有众多的优异性质,在半导体领域具有极大的应用潜力。金刚石与金属氧化物,如氧化锌(ZnO),二氧化钛(TiO2),结合制作异质结是金刚石半导体应用的重要研究课题。本项目拟利用磁控溅射法、水热法方法在p型金刚石表面沉积ZnO及TiO2薄膜,制备氧化物/金刚石异质结,并测量、分析异质结的特性。利用异质结I-V、C-V特性和XPS光谱等手段分析异质结界面电荷分布和能带结构。研究异质结特性与制备方法的关系,进而分析研究异质结界面状态对异质结性能的影响。优化异质结制备方案,制作具有优异性能的ZnO/金刚石光电器件及TiO2/金刚石光催化器件。本项目的实施将深入理解氧化物/金刚石异质结的界面特性及对异质结性能的影响,有助于进一步获得高性能金刚石相关的半导体器件,为其在高新技术领域的应用提供重要的实验和理论依据。
中文关键词: 金刚石;异质结;金属氧化物
英文摘要: Diamond is considered to be the best wide-gap semiconductor due to its outstanding properties and could be used in different fields. The investigation of Oxide/Diamond heterojunction is an important issue to realize the application of diamond as semiconductor. In this project, the interface of ZnO(or TiO2)/diamond heterojunction will be studied by C-V, I-V, XPS, etc. Thus, the fixed charge density, the interfacial chemical banding state and the band alignment of the heterojunction would be investigated. Besides, different properties of the heterojunction, such as the diode character, field electron emission, would also be studied. Thus we would make a thorough study of the relationship between the interface state and the heterojunction character and find the way to fabricate ZnO(or TiO2)/diamond heterojunction with excellent performance. The implementation of this project will provide important experimental data for the fabrication an application of diamond devices.
英文关键词: diamond;heterojunction;metal oxide