项目名称: 茅口灰岩隐伏承压溶洞围岩时效破断—滞后突水机理研究
项目编号: No.51274097
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 矿业工程
项目作者: 赵延林
作者单位: 湖南科技大学
项目金额: 82万元
中文摘要: 我国南方煤田大多是以充水溶洞为主的茅口灰岩岩溶矿床,承压溶洞突水事故在南方煤矿已发生多起,造成了严重的经济损失和社会危害,是我国南方煤矿开采亟待解决的重大课题。本项目针对南方煤矿茅口灰岩隐伏承压溶洞滞后突水问题展开研究,通过试验研究手段揭示茅口灰岩的流变断裂、渗流力学特性;应用采动岩体渗流理论、岩石断裂损伤力学,研究流固耦合作用下采动围岩流变损伤、导水裂隙时滞失稳规律,构建采动围岩时效破断理论;通过研究岩溶突水蓄势段、萌生段、爆发段的流态特性,分析滞后突水流态转换临界条件,构建岩溶突水非线性渗流模型;依据多场耦合学术思想,建立采动围岩时效破断-滞后突水耦合数学模型,在 COMSOL Multiphysics平台下开发耦合分析程序,分析防水煤岩柱时效稳定特性,滞后突水形成的灾变条件、预测突水滞后时间。该研究为南方煤矿岩溶突水的防治供理论依据,对于南方煤矿开采方法改进具有重大理论意义。
中文关键词: 承压溶洞;突水;茅口灰岩;防水岩柱;流固耦合
英文摘要: South China coalfields is Moukou limestone karst deposits mainly composed of water filling cave. Many accidents of water bursting form confined karst cave occurred in south China coalfields.Tremendous economic loss and social harm were generated, because of water bursting form confined karst ,thereby, It is an important problem demanding prompt solution for south China coalfields mining. According to problems on lagging water bursting form concealed confined karst cave in Maokou limestone in south China coalfields,In this research project, by experimental study means, rheological fracture and seepage mechanical properties of Maokou limestone were revealed. By adopting percolation theory of overburden rock stratum and rock fracture damage mechanics ,Law of rheological damage of mining induced surrounding rock and delay instability of water flowing fractured under the action of fluid-solid coupling was investigated. The aging rupture theory of mining induced surrounding rock under fluid-solid coupling was constructed. Through studying the flow state conversion of accumulating phase ,initiation phase and outbreak phase of karst water bursting, the flow state conversion critical condition of lagging water bursting was analyzed. The nonlinear seepage model for karst water bursting was established.In terms o
英文关键词: Confined karst cave;Water inrush;Maokou limestone;Water-resistant rock pillar;Fluid-solid coupling