项目名称: 大型地下空间火灾传播与控制中的传热传质
项目编号: No.51476103
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2015
项目学科: 能源与动力工程
项目作者: 杨茉
作者单位: 上海理工大学
项目金额: 100万元
中文摘要: 地铁车站、地下商场及地下停车场等大型地下空间突发火灾时的火灾控制和人群有序疏散,是重大公共安全问题。火灾发生时,为了正确引导人员安全有序疏散,需要了解火焰和烟气的传播规律并控制火焰和烟气的传播,以保证逃生通道上有足够长时间的可维生环境。因此,本课题提出,通过数值模拟和实验,研究复杂空间内有机械通风和燃烧的导热、对流、辐射多种传热方式耦合的流动和传热传质问题。本课题将以地下空间火灾的传播和控制为应用背景,建立导热、对流、辐射多种传热方式耦合的流动和传热传质的物理和数学模型,发展数值计算方法,通过数值模拟并辅以实验,研究所建立模型中的流动和传热传质规律,给出气体温度、氧浓度、热辐射量等各项维生指标的分布规律,探讨火焰和烟气的传播规律和启动事故通风等控制火灾和烟气传播的方法,为制定地下空间火灾控制和人群疏散应急预案提供理论基础。
中文关键词: 传热传质;火灾;地下空间
英文摘要: It is an important public issue for fire control and pedestrian safety evacuation in the large underground space like subway station, underground supermarket and carpark when there is a fire occurrence. When fire occurs, in order to maintain the enough tenable environments for safety egress, we shall know the principle of flame and smoke development and then control them. Hence, this project proposes the study of the coupled conductive, convective and radiant heat and mass transfer under mechanical ventilation when fire occurs in a complicated space. This project is based on the application background of fire development and control in the underground space. The physical and numerical models of coupled conductive, convective and radiant flow and heat and mass transfer mechanism are proposed to develop the related numerical simulation method with experimental validation. The patterns of flow and heat and mass transfer can be studied in the above model, and the rules of different tenable parameters like temperature, oxygen density, radiation distributions can be proposed. Through the inspection of flame and smoke development and mechanical ventilation for smoke control during emergency, this study can provide the fundamental knowledge for fire control and pedestrian safety evacuation in the underground space.
英文关键词: heat and mass transfer;fire;Underground Space