项目名称: 噪声和时滞下具有时间和角度约束的多UCAV协同编队控制研究
项目编号: No.61305136
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 马培蓓
作者单位: 中国人民解放军海军航空工程学院
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 现代信息化战争越来越强调体系对抗和多系统协同作战,多UCAV协同编队作战是一种更符合现代信息化战争思想的作战方式,如何通过有效的协同编队控制策略支持多UCAV协同攻击多目标,是UCAV控制技术研究的热点。该项目以机载某型导弹的多UCAV为研究对象,将编队协同过程分为编队飞行和攻击目标两个阶段,重点解决三个关键问题:1)考虑多UCAV编队系统内存在噪声、时滞以及通信权重不确定性情况,综合运用一致性和鲁棒控制理论,设计一致性多UCAV协同编队控制律;2)为解决多UCAV编队实时避碰与避障问题,提出基于代价惩罚的实时避障与协调避碰控制方法,并基于偶极导航函数法设计了分布式避碰控制律;3)提出采用基于虚拟领弹的分阶段制导方法,通过设计非线性动态逆三维制导律,实现多导弹以不同攻击角度同时对目标实施协同攻击。并通过仿真实验进行验证,其成果可为提高多UCAV网络化编队协同作战能力提供理论依据和技术支持。
中文关键词: 多UCAV;协同编队;协同任务规划;协同制导;噪声和时滞
英文摘要: Systemic confrontation and coordinated attack of many systems are emphasized in modern wars. Cooperative formation attack is more accordance with modern war ideas. But how to realize coordinated attack targets for multi-missile is the hot idea with cooperative formation control strategy. Formation flight and attacking targets are the main two phases during cooperative formation flight of multi-UCAVs with airborne missiles. The three key problems are as follows: Firstly, considering noises, time delays and system uncertainty, a consensus formation control law of multi-UCAVs is designed using consensus and robust control theory. Secondly, a cost function based cooperative collision avoidance and obstacle avoidance method are introduced and a distributed collision avoidance control law is designed based on navigation function. Thirdly, if missiles are multi-UCAVs' payloads, an three dimensional impact time and impact angle control guidance law based on virtual-leader is derived. Multi-missiles can realize cooperative attack with the same time from different angles. All the above approaches will be validated by simulation and experimentation. The achievements can provide theory and technology support and develop coordinated attack of net formation ability for multi-UCAVs.
英文关键词: Multi-UCAVs;Cooperative Formation;Cooperative Task Planning;Cooperative Guidance;Noises and Time Delay