项目名称: 纠缠动力学过程中反旋转波项效应的研究
项目编号: No.11204099
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 物理学I
项目作者: 徐俊
作者单位: 华中师范大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 量子纠缠指两个或多个量子系统之间非定域非经典的强关联,量子比特的纠缠动力学演化在量子信息学中具有非常重要的作用。反旋转波项代表能量不守恒项,表示虚光子快速发射与吸收过程,在处理近共振弱相互作用问题时,可以忽略虚光子过程,采用旋转波近似方法处理。但是,当考虑瞬时动力学演化过程或者强场耦合时,必须计入反旋转波项。本项目主要研究纠缠动力学过程中的反旋转波项效应,内容包括:一、反旋转波项对独立的两量子比特纠缠演化产生的效应。二、考虑原子之间的偶极相互作用,研究具有集合原子效应的两量子比特纠缠演化过程中的反旋转波项效应。三、推广到三体及多体系统,研究三体及多体量子比特纠缠动力学演化过程中反旋转波项产生的效应。项目的意义在于,分析反旋转波项和旋转波项在纠缠动力学过程中的相干效应,阐明反旋转波项对纠缠动力学产生效应的物理机制。
中文关键词: 压缩态;纠缠态;Bogoliubov相互作用;量子态转移;
英文摘要: Quantum entanglement is one of the most striking consequences of nonlocal and nonclassical quantum correlation. An understanding of entanglement evolution and entanglement transfer between qubits is of fundamental interest in quantum information processing. The counter-rotating terms are the energy nonconserving terms in quantum optics. They correspond to the processes in which the atom jumps to an excited state and a virtual photon is emitted, followed quickly by the reverse process in which the atom jumps back to the ground state and now absorbs a photon. These terms are often dropped in the calculatin equations and the Rotating Wave Approximation (RWA) is used when the interaction is near resonant and weak. In fact,these counter-rotating terms neglected in the previous studies can have a large impact on the short-time evolution, especially when the interaction between atom and field is far-resonant and strong. In this project, we focus on the effects of the counter-rotating terms on entanglement dynamics. The following items are included: 1. Investigating the effects of the counter-rotating terms on the entanglement dynamics of two independent qubits; 2. Considering the dipole-dipole interaction between atoms and investigating the effects of the counter-rotating terms on the entanglement evolution of two inte
英文关键词: squeezed states;entangled states;Bogoliubov interaction;quantum state transfer;