项目名称: 具有表现力的维吾尔语可视语音合成技术研究
项目编号: No.61261037
项目类型: 地区科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 赵晖
作者单位: 新疆大学
项目金额: 43万元
中文摘要: 语音及视觉特征是人们交流的重要手段,它们传递着情感、态度、意图、说话风格等丰富的表现力信息,正是这些表现力信息,增强了人们对语言的理解,提高了交流的效率。本项目旨在进行文本驱动的有表现力的维吾尔语可视语音合成研究,即让计算机根据标注了表现力信息的维吾尔文文本,合成出同步的、符合维吾尔语语音和维吾尔族表情特点的、有表现力的语音和人脸动画头像。其主要研究内容包括维吾尔语视位特征的定量描述、维吾尔语文本表现力的标注、语音、脸像表现力特征的表示和提取、维吾尔语语音动画头像合成等。本项研究将丰富可视语音合成技术的理论与方法,对于新疆地区的影视娱乐、教育、电子商务、安全等方面具有重要意义,特别是对新疆维吾尔语电视制作和远程教育具有重要现实意义。新疆维吾尔语言与中东地区和中西南亚地区民族语言极度相似,开展这方面的研究具有广阔的应用前景和商业意义,对提高我国国际地位,扩大国际影响力也有不可忽视的积极作用。
中文关键词: 维吾尔语视位;动态视位模型;维吾尔语可视语音合成;维吾尔语情感语音转换;维吾尔语情感词典
英文摘要: Speech and vision are important means of people communicating, and convey people's emotion, attitude, intention, speaking style and other prolific expressiveness.People communication becomes harmonious due to these prolific expressivenesses,which improve the efficiency of communication.This project aims to the research of Expressive Text-to-Visual-Speech synthesis in Uyghur.That is to say,according to the Uyghur text marked expression information,the expressive speech and animated avatar are synthesized which are synchronized and conformed with the Uyghur speech and the Uyghurs' expression.The main research contents include description of Uyghur viseme features,Uyghur text expression tagging methods,speech and facial expressiveness feature denotation and extraction ,Uyghur talking-head synchronized with speech.This research will enrich the theory and methods of Visual-Speech synthesis.In addition,it is significant for entertainment, education,E-commerce and security in Xinjiang. Especially, it has important practical significance to Uyghur television production and distance education. The Uyghur in Xinjiang is extremely similar with nationality in the Middle East and in Southwest Asia,so the research has a great future on application and business,and it's positive to raise the international standing of our cou
英文关键词: Uyghur Viseme;Dynamic Viseme Model;Uyghur Visual-Speech Synthesis;Uyghur Emotional Speech Conversion;Uyghur sentiment lexicon