项目名称: 面向突发性结构损伤的可恢复飞行控制研究
项目编号: No.61273099
项目类型: 面上项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化技术、计算机技术
项目作者: 杨凌宇
作者单位: 北京航空航天大学
项目金额: 80万元
中文摘要: 战损、结构疲劳导致的机体结构损伤给飞行安全带来极大隐患,由于质量/质心/气动等本体特性不可预知的显著突变,现有飞行控制设计方法很难保证其在线稳定和控制。 本课题以结构受损飞机为对象,研究综合可恢复飞行控制技术的概念、体系和设计方法。探索此类质量/质心/气动特性非线性突变、结构不对称对象的建模及动力学特性变化规律,研究受损状态下的控制能力在线评估与恢复方法、在线干扰观测与补偿方法以及多变量自适应飞行控制方法等关键技术,以期为此类对象在应急状态下提供可行的稳定和控制手段。 在理论研究基础上,本课题还将进一步建立小型断翼UAV控制验证平台,验证所提出的技术方法,形成理论与工程设计的相互牵引与支持,使可恢复飞行控制的研究更具工程应用价值。 预期结果将为大型民用飞机、无人机的应急飞行控制系统设计提供基础理论支撑,以提升其安全性和生存性,同时也将有助于推动可恢复控制理论及应用技术的发展。
中文关键词: 结构受损飞机;参数突变;瞬态性能;线性变参数;可恢复飞行控制
英文摘要: Airframe structural damage caused by battle injury or structural fatigue is crucial to the safety and survivability of modern aircrafts. Due to the nonlinear and unpredictable sudden changes of mass, center of gravity and aero dynamics, the stabilization and control of structural damaged aircraft is a great challenge to the modern aircraft control theory. This project focuses on the concepts, architecture and design methods of the integrated resilient flight control for structural damaged aircrafts. The dynamic variations of the specific objects, with structural asymmetries and sudden changes of mass, center of gravity and aero dynamics, will be explored and modeled firstly. Some key technologies, such as control ability evaluation and stability recovery method, online disturbance observation and compensation method as well as the multivariable model reference adaptive control technique, will be studied in depth to provide a set of feasible methods for the stabilization and control of the structural damaged aircraft in emergent situation. A wing structural damaged UAV test platform will be established to demonstrate the feasibility of above control methods, which is a breakthrough of transforming the theory into engineering applications. The expected results will provide feasible theoretical support to the emer
英文关键词: structural damage aircraft;interrupted parameter variation;initial-transient performance;linear parameter varying;resilient flight control