项目名称: 量子导引的判定、度量与几何表示
项目编号: No.11704217
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2018
项目学科: 数理科学和化学
项目作者: 全佺
作者单位: 清华大学
项目金额: 10万元
中文摘要: 量子导引是介于量子纠缠和Bell非局域性之间的一种非局域关联,是一种重要的新型量子资源。近年来由于其在量子密钥分发和保密通信中的重要应用,引起了人们的广泛关注。然而到目前为止一些关于量子导引基本性质的问题还有待解决,如量子导引的判定、度量问题,以及量子导引直观的几何表示。因此我们将利用量子导引和不可兼容测量之间的关系,以及量子导引性质相关的已有研究结果来展开这些方面的深入研究。具体地,1.研究量子导引的判定和度量2.研究量子导引的几何表示及相关性质。预期得到一些解析结果和直观的几何表示,促进量子导引在量子信息处理过程中的应用。
中文关键词: 量子导引;量子比特;测量的不可兼容性
英文摘要: Quantum steering is a new type of resource which lies between quantum entanglement and Bell nonlicality. Recently, growing attention has been directed to steering because of its applications in quantum key distribution and secure communication. However, many fundamental problems remain unsolved, such as its detection, quantification and geometrical representation. Further progresses are highly desirable. In this project, we well deeply study these aspect by virtue of the connection between quantum steering and incompatible measurements, as well as the known nature of steering. To be specific, 1.study the detection and quantification of steering. 2. study the geometrical representation and the characteristics of steering. We will get some analytical results and intuitive pictures. The study will facilitate the potential applications of steering in quantum information processing tasks.
英文关键词: quantum steering;qubits;incompatible of measurements