近日,肿瘤学领域老牌杂志International Journal of Cancer在线发表了中国人民解放军总医院第五医学中心肝胆外科团队完成的一项肝脏罕见肿瘤研究成果“SET domain containing 1B gene(SETD1B) is mutated in primary hepatic neuroendocrine tumors”该研究采用全外显子测序,对来自全国26家医院的肝脏原发神经内分泌肿瘤(Primaryhepatic neuroendocrine tumors, PHNETs))样本进行了WES测序分析,发现SETD1B基因具有和TP53相同的突变频率,且显著高于其余基因,接着分析了SETD1B基因信息、保守性、空间结构预测、数据库信息,进一步针对SETD1B基因出现的3种突变形式(S487L、C931Y、A1054del)开展了功能研究,结合患者临床信息得出结论SETD1B 基因突变患者预后更差,有望成为PHNET潜在的诊断、预后分子标志物及治疗药物靶标。
神经内分泌肿瘤(Neuroendocrine tumors, NET)是起源于肽能神经元和神经内分泌细胞的异质性肿瘤。NETs全身均能发生,而发生在肝脏的原发神经内分泌肿瘤十分罕见,约占NETs的0.3%。本研究首次构建了肝脏原发神经内分泌肿瘤的突变谱,使得对其肿瘤生物学的有了全方位认识,并提出了针对它的潜在的诊断标志物和药物靶标。
Whole-exomesequencing and mutated genes in 22 patients with PHNETs
Primaryhepatic neuroendocrine tumors (PHNETs) are extremely rare NETs originating fromthe liver. These tumors are associated with heterogeneous prognosis, and fewtreatment targets for PHNETs have been identified. Because the major geneticalterations in PHNET are still largely unknown, we performed whole-exomesequencing of 22 paired tissues from PHNET patients and identified 22 recurringmutations of somatic genes involved in the following activities: epigeneticmodification (BPTF, MECP2 and WDR5), cell cycle (TP53, ATM, MED12, DIDO1 andATAD5) and neural development (UBR4, MEN1, GLUL and GIGYF2). Here, we show thatTP53 and the SET domain containing the 1B gene (SETD1B) are the most frequentlymutated genes in this set of samples (3/22 subjects, 13.6%). A biologicalanalysis suggests that one of the three SETD1B mutants, A1054del, promotes cellproliferation, migration and invasion compared with wild-type SETD1B. Our workunveils that SETD1B A1054del mutant is functional in PHNET and implicates genesincluding TP53 in the disease. Our findings thus characterize the mutationallandscapes of PHNET and implicate novel gene mutations linked to PHNETpathogenesis and potential therapeutic targets.
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