Background: Social media has the capacity to afford the healthcare industry with valuable feedback from patients who reveal and express their medical decision-making process, as well as self-reported quality of life indicators both during and post treatment. In prior work, [Crannell et. al.], we have studied an active cancer patient population on Twitter and compiled a set of tweets describing their experience with this disease. We refer to these online public testimonies as "Invisible Patient Reported Outcomes" (iPROs), because they carry relevant indicators, yet are difficult to capture by conventional means of self-report. Methods: Our present study aims to identify tweets related to the patient experience as an additional informative tool for monitoring public health. Using Twitter's public streaming API, we compiled over 5.3 million "breast cancer" related tweets spanning September 2016 until mid December 2017. We combined supervised machine learning methods with natural language processing to sift tweets relevant to breast cancer patient experiences. We analyzed a sample of 845 breast cancer patient and survivor accounts, responsible for over 48,000 posts. We investigated tweet content with a hedonometric sentiment analysis to quantitatively extract emotionally charged topics. Results: We found that positive experiences were shared regarding patient treatment, raising support, and spreading awareness. Further discussions related to healthcare were prevalent and largely negative focusing on fear of political legislation that could result in loss of coverage. Conclusions: Social media can provide a positive outlet for patients to discuss their needs and concerns regarding their healthcare coverage and treatment needs. Capturing iPROs from online communication can help inform healthcare professionals and lead to more connected and personalized treatment regimens.
翻译:社会媒体有能力向保健行业提供来自披露和表达医疗决策过程的病人的宝贵反馈,以及治疗期间和治疗后自我报告的生活质量指标。在先前的工作中,[Crannell 等人]在推特上研究了活跃的癌症患者人口,并汇编了一套描述他们患此病经历的推文。我们将这些在线公开证词称为“隐形患者报告结果”(IPROs),因为它们含有相关的指标,但很难通过常规的自我报告方式获取。方法:我们目前的研究旨在确定与患者在治疗期间和治疗后的生活指标有关的推特,作为监测公共健康的附加信息工具。我们利用Twitter的公开流传API,在2016年9月至2017年12月中汇编了超过530万个与癌症有关的推特。我们将这些在线公开证词称为“隐形患者报告结果” (iPROs),因为我们分析了845个乳腺癌患者和幸存者账户的样本,负责48 000多篇文章。我们通过对客户的血清感应分析内容,从病人的情绪分析中找出更多的情绪分析,以便更多地了解他们的情绪分析。结果。结果,我们发现,我们发现,我们发现,可以积极分析他们的心理分析,我们发现,可以分析他们的治疗结果可以分析。我们发现,我们发现,可以进一步分析,可以分析他们的负面结果,可以分析。