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超参数调优的目标通常是最小化泛化误差(generalization error),也可以根据具体任务自定义其他优化目标。泛化误差是指预测未知样本得到的误差,通常由验证集得到,关于验证集可以参阅 Cross-validation (statistics). Wikipedia.。
def train(acf, wd, lr):
return e
learning_rate = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1]
weight_decay = [0.01, 0.1, 1]
activation = ['ReLU', 'GELU', 'Swish']
optimum = {'error': 1e10}
# grid search
for acf in activation:
for wd in weight_decay:
for lr in learning_rate:
error = train(acf, wd, lr)
if error < optimum['error']:
optimum['error'] = error
optimum['param'] = {
'acf': acf,
'wd': wd,
'lr': lr
贝叶斯优化 Bayesian optimization
早在 1960 年,就有科学家 Danie G. Krige 用类似的方法用于金矿分布的估计,他用已开采的少数矿点对金矿分布进行建模,后来这类方法被称为 Kriging 或高斯过程回归(Gaussian process regression, GPR)。
▲ 图2,源:https://arxiv.org/abs/1012.2599
容易发现,上述协方差函数描述了不同输入之间的距离,或者说相似性(similarity)。对于回归或者分类问题,一个合理的假设是,距离较近的输入 x 有相近的目标函数值(或者类别标签)y,比如在分类问题中,距离测试样本更近的训练样本将提供更多关于测试样本类别的信息。可以说,协方差函数“编码”了我们对目标函数的假设。
3.5 协方差函数
平滑性(smoothness)。随机过程的平滑性由均方可微性(mean square differentiability)决定,比如,SE 函数对应的高斯过程是无限均方可微的。关于均方导数、均方可微的定义你可以自行了解。
3.6 采样函数
a. Probability of improvement (PI)
b. Expected improvement (EI)
c. Upper confidence bound (UCB & GP-UCB)
采样函数的选择。对于选择哪个采样函数目前没有明确的规则,有论文提出用组合采样函数的方法可以得到比单独使用更好的实验表现,参阅 Portfolio Allocation for Bayesian Optimization. Eric Brochu, Matthew W. Hoffman, Nando de Freitas. 2010.。其他采样函数,如 knowledge-gradient The Knowledge-Gradient Policy for Correlated Normal Beliefs. Peter Frazier, Warren Powell, Savas Dayanik. 2008.,entropy search (ES) Entropy Search for Information-Efficient Global Optimization. Philipp Hennig, Christian J. Schuler. 2012.,predictive entropy search (PES) Predictive Entropy Search for Efficient Global Optimization of Black-box Functions. José Miguel Hernández-Lobato, Matthew W. Hoffman, Zoubin Ghahramani. 2014.,结合 fully Bayesian 的GP EI MCMC Practical Bayesian Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms. Jasper Snoek, Hugo Larochelle, Ryan P. Adams. 2012.,提升采样函数效率的 mixture cross-entropy algorithm Surrogating the surrogate: accelerating Gaussian-process-based global optimization with a mixture cross-entropy algorithm. R ́emi Bardenet, Bal ́azs K ́egl. 2010.。
其他贝叶斯优化算法。采用随机森林建模的 Sequential Model-based Algorithm Configuration (SMAC) Sequential Model-Based Optimization for General Algorithm Configuration. Frank Hutter, Holger H. Hoos, Kevin Leyton-Brown. 2011.,更适合高维度、离散化、超参数间有条件依赖的 Tree Parzen Estimator (TPE) Algorithms for Hyper-Parameter Optimization. James Bergstra, R ́emi Bardenet, Yoshua Bengio, Bal ́azs K ́egl. 2011.,以及提升 GP 模型计算效率的 SPGPs 和 SSGPs Taking the Human Out of the Loop: A Review of Bayesian Optimization. Bobak Shahriari, Kevin Swersky, Ziyu Wang, Ryan P. Adams, Nando de Freitas. 2016.。
a. 多元高斯分布采样。原理参阅[GPML, Appendix A, A.2]。
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# SE协方差函数
kernel_se = np.vectorize(lambda x1, x2, l: np.exp(-(x1 - x2) ** 2 / (2 * l ** 2)))
def sample_se(x, l, mean=0):
# x为numpy数组,e.g. x = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.05)
x1, x2 = np.meshgrid(x, x)
n = len(x)
sigma = kernel_se(x1, x2, l) + np.identity(n) * 0.000000001
L = np.linalg.cholesky(sigma)
u = np.random.randn(n)
y = mean + L @ u
return y
c = ['red', 'green', 'blue']
l = [3, 1, 0.3]
for i in range(len(l)):
x = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.05)
y = sample_se(x, l[i])
plt.plot(x, y, c=c[i], linewidth=1, label='l=%.1f' % l[i])
plt.xlabel('input, x')
plt.ylabel('output, f(x)')
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# 目标函数
objective = np.vectorize(lambda x, std_n=0: 0.001775 * x**5 - 0.055 * x**4 + 0.582 * x**3 - 2.405 * x**2 + 3.152 * x + 4.678 + np.random.normal(0, std_n))
# 超参数
mean, l, std_f, std_n = 5, 1, 1, 0.0001
# SE协方差函数
kernel = lambda r_2, l: np.exp(-r_2 / (2 * l**2))
# 训练集,以一维输入为例
X = np.arange(1.5, 10, 3.0)
X = X.reshape(X.size, 1)
Y = objective(X).flatten()
# 未知样本
Xs = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1)
Xs = Xs.reshape(Xs.size, 1)
n, d = X.shape
t = np.repeat(X.reshape(n, 1, d), n, axis=1) - X
r_2 = np.sum(t**2, axis=2)
Kf = std_f**2 * kernel(r_2, l)
Ky = Kf + std_n**2 * np.identity(n)
Ky_inv = np.linalg.inv(Ky)
m = Xs.shape[0]
t = np.repeat(Xs.reshape(m, 1, d), n, axis=1) - X
r_2 = np.sum(t**2, axis=2).T
kf = std_f**2 * kernel(r_2, l)
mu = mean + kf.T @ Ky_inv @ (Y - mean)
std = np.sqrt(std_f**2 - np.sum(kf.T @ Ky_inv * kf.T, axis=1))
x_test = Xs.flatten()
y_obj = objective(x_test).flatten()
plt.plot(x_test, mu, c='black', lw=1, label='predicted mean')
plt.fill_between(x_test, mu + std, mu - std, alpha=0.2, color='#9FAEB2', lw=0)
plt.plot(x_test, y_obj, c='red', ls='--', lw=1, label='objective function')
plt.scatter(X.flatten(), Y, c='red', marker='o', s=20)
c. 贝叶斯优化示例。
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# 目标函数
objective = np.vectorize(lambda x, sigma_n=0: 0.001775 * x**5 - 0.055 * x**4 + 0.582 * x**3 - 2.405 * x**2 + 3.152 * x + 4.678 + np.random.normal(0, sigma_n))
# 采样函数 - GP-UCB
GPUCB = np.vectorize(lambda mu, sigma, t, ld, delta=0.1: mu + (1 * 2 * np.log(ld * t**2 * np.pi**2 / (6 * delta)))**0.5 * sigma)
# 超参数
mean, l, sigma_f, sigma_n = 5, 1, 1, 0.0001
# 迭代次数
max_iter = 3
# SE协方差函数
kernel = lambda r_2, l: np.exp(-r_2 / (2 * l**2))
# 初始训练样本,以一维输入为例
X = np.arange(0.5, 10, 3.0)
X = X.reshape(X.size, 1)
Y = objective(X).flatten()
for i in range(max_iter):
Xs = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1)
Xs = Xs.reshape(Xs.size, 1)
n, d = X.shape
t = np.repeat(X.reshape(n, 1, d), n, axis=1) - X
r_2 = np.sum(t**2, axis=2)
Kf = sigma_f**2 * kernel(r_2, l)
Ky = Kf + sigma_n**2 * np.identity(n)
Ky_inv = np.linalg.inv(Ky)
m = Xs.shape[0]
t = np.repeat(Xs.reshape(m, 1, d), n, axis=1) - X
r_2 = np.sum(t**2, axis=2).T
kf = sigma_f**2 * kernel(r_2, l)
mu = mean + kf.T @ Ky_inv @ (Y - mean)
sigma = np.sqrt(sigma_f**2 - np.sum(kf.T @ Ky_inv * kf.T, axis=1))
y_acf = GPUCB(mu, sigma, i + 1, n)
sample_x = Xs[np.argmax(y_acf)]
x_test = Xs.flatten()
y_obj = objective(x_test).flatten()
ax = plt.subplot(2, max_iter, i + 1)
ax.set_title('t=%d' % (i + 1))
plt.ylim(3, 8)
plt.plot(x_test, mu, c='black', lw=1)
plt.fill_between(x_test, mu + sigma, mu - sigma, alpha=0.2, color='#9FAEB2', lw=0)
plt.plot(x_test, y_obj, c='red', ls='--', lw=1)
plt.scatter(X, Y, c='red', marker='o', s=20)
plt.subplot(2, max_iter, i + 1 + max_iter)
plt.ylim(3.5, 9)
plt.plot(x_test, y_acf, c='#18D766', lw=1)
X = np.insert(X, 0, sample_x, axis=0)
Y = np.insert(Y, 0, objective(sample_x))
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