Webcam eye tracking for the collection of gaze data in the context of user studies is convenient - it can be used in remote tests where participants do not need special hardware. The approach has strong limitations, especially regarding the motion-free nature of the test persons during data recording and the quality of the gaze data obtained. Our study with 52 participants shows that usable eye tracking data can be obtained with commercially available webcams in a remote setting. However, a high drop off rate must be considered, which is why we recommend a high over-recruitment of 150%. We also show that the acceptance of the approach by the study participants is high despite the given limitations.
翻译:在用户研究范围内收集凝视数据的网络摄像头眼睛跟踪是方便的 -- -- 可以用于参加者不需要特殊硬件的远程测试。这种方法有很大的局限性,特别是在数据记录期间测试人员无运动性质和获得的凝视数据质量方面。我们与52名参加者进行的研究显示,在远程环境中,可以通过商业上可用的网络摄像头获得可用的眼睛跟踪数据。然而,必须考虑高下降率,因此我们建议高超征聘率150%。我们还表明,尽管存在某些限制,但研究参加者对这种方法的接受程度很高。