To address the privacy leakage problem in decentralized composite convex optimization, we proposes a novel differentially private decentralized primal--dual algorithm named DP-RECAL with operator splitting method and relay communication mechanism. We study the relationship between communication and privacy leakage, thus defining a new measure: local communication involvement (LCI). To the best of our knowledge, compared with existing differentially private algorithms, DP-RECAL is the first to take advantage of the relay communication mechanism to experience less LCI so as to reduce the overall privacy budget. In addition, we prove that DP-RECAL is convergent with uncoordinated network-independent stepsizes and establish the linear convergence rate of DP-RECAL under metric subregularity. Furthermore, taking the least squares problem as an example, DP-RECAL presents better privacy performance and communication complexity than listed differentially private decentralized algorithms. Numerical experiments on real-world datasets verify our analysis results and demonstrate that DP-RECAL can defend deep leakage from gradients (DLG) attacks.