Amidst the outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic, distance education, where the learning process is conducted online, has become the norm. Campus-based programs and courses have been redesigned in a timely manner which was a challenge for teachers not used to distance teaching. Students engagement and active participation become an issue; add to that new emerging effects associating with this set-up, such as the so called 'Zoom fatigue', which was coined recently by some authors. In realising this problem, solutions were suggested in the literature to help trigger students engagement and enhance teachers experience in online teaching. This study analyses these effects along with our teachers experience in the new learning environment and concludes by devising some recommendations. To attain the above objectives, we conducted online interviews with six of our teachers, transcribed the content of the videos and then applied the inductive research approach to assess the results.
翻译:在科罗纳病毒(COVID 19)大流行爆发之际,远程教育,即在线学习过程的远程教育已成为常态;以校园为基础的方案和课程及时重新设计,对教师来说,这是不习惯远程教学的挑战;学生参与和积极参与成为一个问题;再加上与这种设置有关的新的新影响,如最近由一些作者发明的所谓“超速疲劳”等;在实现这一问题的过程中,文献中提出了解决方案,以帮助激发学生参与和提高教师在在线教学方面的经验;本研究报告分析了这些影响以及教师在新学习环境中的经验,并最后提出一些建议;为了实现上述目标,我们与六名教师进行了在线访谈,对视频内容进行了描述,然后运用演练研究方法评估了结果。